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Developed land in shoreline protection areas

Building continues in areas close to the water


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2015-11-11 9.30


During the period 2010–2014 nearly 57 000 new buildings were completed in Sweden. Of these buildings, 15 percent were within 100 metres of the water. This is the zone that usually consists of shoreline protection areas. During the period 2006-2009, the new buildings close to the shoreline comprised 16 percent of all buildings.

During the period 2010-2014 the percentage of buildings close to the shoreline in relation to the total number of buildings was greatest in the counties of Norrbotten, Västernorrland and Gävleborg. Around 35 percent of the new buildings were close to the shoreline in those areas. The lowest percentages were in the counties of Uppsala and Halland at 6 and 9 percent respectively. The counties of Stockholm, Gotland, Skåne and Örebro also had low percentages of about 10 percent in each county.

The greatest number of buildings were erected in the three metropolitan areas of Stockholm, Västra Götaland and Skåne. This applies to both buildings near the shorelines and the overall number of buildings.

Number of completed buildings 2010–2014, per county


Another 260 kilometres of shoreline affected by building development

The length of Sweden's total shoreline amounts to roughly 425 700 kilometres. In 2009, 42 050 kilometres were affected by building development, meaning that there was a building within 100 metres of the water. During the period 2010-2014, another 260 kilometres of shorelines were affected by building development.

One third of all new holiday homes close to the shoreline

The new buildings close to the shoreline are mainly one- or two-dwelling buildings intended for permanent living, as well as holiday homes. These are the dominating buildings even in the figure for total number of buildings during the period, but holiday homes account for a larger share near the shoreline. Of the total number of completed holiday homes in 2010-2014, one third were close to the shoreline. Roughly one in ten of the new one-or two-dwelling buildings intended for permanent living were close to the shoreline.

Type of buildings completed during 2010–2014


Few new buildings in secluded areas close to the shoreline

Nearly 70 percent of the new buildings close to the shoreline are outside of localities. Of these buildings, most are built near another building. Only 6 percent are located more than 75 metres from another building.

In all counties very few buildings have been erected far away from other buildings. Värmland County has the largest percentage of new buildings close to the shoreline that are at least 75 metres from another building (11%). The percentage is the lowest in Stockholm County, where only 3 percent of the new buildings are located far from other buildings.

 Number of new buildings close to the shorelinePercentage of all building close to the shoreline
8 610  
Outside of localities
5 801 67%
Outside of localities and at least 75 metres from other buildings
480 6%

Definitions and explanations

"Shoreline" is defined as the line where water meets land. No distinction is made between sea water and inland water in these statistics. Narrow watercourses, i.e. water that is up to six metres wide, are not included in this survey.

"Affected by building development" means that the building is within 100 metres from the shoreline.


A more detailed report of this survey is published in a Statistical Report.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Environmental accounts and Environment

Solna strandväg 86
171 54 Solna


Johan Stålnacke

+46 10 479 47 05