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Gross pay by industry (NACE 2007) and sex, 2023

Gross pay (SEK) and amount of statement of earnings by industry, aggregate level and sex for income year 2023.

  Women Men Unknown information [1] Total
Industry Gross pay Number of statements of earnings Gross pay Number of statements of earnings Gross pay Number of statements of earnings Gross pay Number of statements of earnings
Agriculture, forestry and fishing 3 478 487 335 23 896 10 051 338 193 45 812 1 349 572 348 12 358 14 879 397 876 82 066
Manufacturing and mining and quarrying 65 191 066 664 189 144 212 354 224 034 513 713 1 675 455 090 6 983 279 220 745 788 709 840
Energy supply and environmental activities 8 286 087 866 21 812 22 983 488 500 56 249 65 891 201 318 31 335 467 567 78 379
Construction 17 289 906 215 65 091 148 027 180 974 423 613 4 266 837 019 28 616 169 583 924 208 517 320
Wholesale and retail trade 95 606 443 501 431 224 153 223 814 578 468 280 1 206 403 356 7 242 250 036 661 435 906 746
Transportation and storage 19 869 536 253 78 046 73 860 951 221 279 011 1 281 106 291 7 340 95 011 593 765 364 397
Accommodation and food service activities 22 939 025 246 247 005 27 270 045 910 222 826 1 100 931 561 13 649 51 310 002 717 483 480
Information and communication 41 921 908 259 121 512 114 647 098 656 234 145 643 186 172 2 807 157 212 193 087 358 464
Financial and insurance activities 31 264 633 112 75 043 46 003 460 247 80 499 328 024 735 789 77 596 118 094 156 331
Real estate activities 15 562 414 103 117 278 23 787 489 763 167 072 106 856 410 1 043 39 456 760 276 285 393
Business service activities 119 091 310 245 497 498 181 493 705 406 618 715 3 574 485 996 24 545 304 159 501 647 1 140 758
Public administration and defence 92 428 467 135 271 031 71 569 179 584 208 821 190 311 880 1 912 164 187 958 599 481 764
Education 145 302 703 737 567 976 57 008 215 115 220 154 665 961 674 9 534 202 976 880 526 797 664
Human health and social work activities 237 591 695 602 942 602 82 872 111 874 310 973 759 054 606 4 139 321 222 862 082 1 257 714
Arts, entertainment and recreation; other service activities 36 410 021 165 283 255 31 998 002 130 235 049 577 748 238 6 374 68 985 771 533 524 678
Unknown activity 5 161 653 464 103 134 5 014 858 954 90 188 139 269 076 1 653 10 315 781 494 194 975
Total 957 395 359 902 4 035 547 1 262 165 165 139 4 175 120 17 931 095 653 129 302 2 237 491 620 694 8 339 969

Definitions and explanations

1) Unknown information refers to statements of earnings that can not be attributed to people registered in Sweden. For example it can be an incorrect personal identity number or refer to a person that lives abroad.

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