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Aggregate gross pay, payroll taxes and prel. tax statistics from employers monthly tax returns

Official statistics of Sweden

The statistics show the development of aggregate gross wages, employer's contributions, and preliminary income tax. The statistics are published every quarter and are based on employers' tax returns from companies. Statistics are available broken down by sector and industry.

Tables and graphs

Tables in the Statistical Database


Title Language Type Date
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 4th quarter of 2018 Swedish SM 2019-02-21
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 3rd quarter of 2018 Swedish SM 2018-11-22
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 2nd quarter of 2018 Swedish SM 2018-08-23
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 1st quarter of 2018 Swedish SM 2018-05-24
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 4th quarter of 2017 Swedish SM 2018-02-22
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 3rd quarter of 2017 Swedish SM 2017-11-23
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 2nd quarter of 2017 Swedish SM 2017-08-21
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 1st quarter of 2017 Swedish SM 2017-05-23
Gross pay, payroll taxes and preliminary tax from employers monthly tax returns 4th quarter of 2016 Swedish SM 2017-02-22
Background information for LAPS Swedish with elements of English Rapport 2015-10-05

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