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Job openings and recruitment needs, 4th quarter 2024

124 300 job openings during the 4th quarter of 2024


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2025-02-28 8.00

Future publications

In the fourth quarter of 2024, there were 124 300 job openings in total on the labour market. Of these, 95 900 were advertised while 28 400 were job openings where the employer tried to recruit in other ways.

The number of job openings which the employer wished to be filled immediately were 87 000 while the number of job vacancies (job openings excluding substitutes) were 108 200.

Of the total number of job openings, 98 400 were in the business sector. In public administration, there were 22 500 job openings, of which 6 200 were in central government and 9 600 respectively 6 700 in municipalities and county councils.

Job openings and recruitment needs

Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Public Employment Service has developed a new survey which has replaced the surveys Job openings and unmet labour demand, Labour market tendency survey and the Labour market outlook survey. The new survey, Job openings and recruitment needs, will report statistics on job openings, recruitment problems and skills needs, the latter for a selection of occupations.

The purpose of the new statistics is to describe levels and changes in job openings over time in the total economy. The statistics is used to analyse the economy and make forecasts about the economic situation, and it is part of the European Labour Market statistics on Businesses.

The fourth quarter of 2024 is the third reference period to be published within the new survey and refers only to the statistics regarding job openings. Statistics on recruitment needs will be released on March 31, concerning the reference period of the third quarter of 2024.

There are some substantial discrepancies between the design of Job openings and recruitment needs and that of Job openings and unmet labour demand, which was the base for official statistics regarding job vacancies up until the first quarter of 2024. Therefore, it is advised to take precaution in comparison over time and that is why no estimations in annual changes will be presented at this time.

Seasonally adjusted values are initially available for the total number of job openings and is presented together with the unadjusted time series for the total number of job openings in the same table.

Since the statistics is based on a sample survey, it is associated with some selection bias. Therefore, the margin of error obtaining to each statistical value is presented as well.

Next publishing will be

2025-03-31, at 08:00.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden, Labour market and education
