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Labour Force Surveys (LFS) 2024:2 – Theme: How much do people in Sweden work?

How much do people in Sweden work?

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-06-26 8.00

Working hours and employment rates are reoccurring topics in a dynamic labour market. It may therefore be of interest to see how working hours have changed over time. In light of this, Statistics Sweden has published a report outlining the changes in working hours in Sweden from 2005 to 2023. The report provides an overview on hours worked by people aged 20–64. An extended report from the Swedish Labour Force Surveys on working hours is scheduled to be published in late autumn 2024.

– Employment has increased while working hours have remained stable for the last two decades. This means that the population as a whole is now working more than before, says Stefan Andersson, statistician at the Labour Force Surveys at Statistics Sweden.

Increased employment while working hours are unchanged

During 2005–2023, the share of employed people in the population aged 20–64 has increased from 78 to 83 percent. Meanwhile, actual hours worked during the period have remained largely unchanged at an average of 31 hours per week. This includes all absence for reasons such as vacation, parental leave and sick leave. The increase in overall employment, with unchanged working hours, means that the population as a whole is working more today than at the beginning of the time period.

Permanently employed women have increased their hours worked

About four-fifths of employed persons are permanent employees. For these, the average actual working time has increased from 29 to 30 hours per week since 2005. The increase is explained by the fact that permanently employed women now work two more hours per week, with an actual weekly working time of 28 hours. Among self-employed and temporary employees, the actual hours worked have instead decreased over time.

Full-time employed women behind increase in total hours worked – despite more parental leave than among men

The fact that more people are employed while the average working time is stable means more hours worked in the economy overall. Among full-time employees aged 20–64, the total actual hours worked have increased by 26 per cent for men and 61 per cent for women over the period 2005–2023. The average hours per employed person, however, have remained unchanged over time. Among women, there is a greater difference between agreed and actually worked time. This is mainly because women have a higher rate of absence due to parental leave and care of a sick child.


The report in Swedish can be found in the publication: 
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) 2024:2 –  How much do people in Sweden work?

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden



Stefan Andersson

+46 010 479 40 81

Charlotta Olofsson

+46 10 479 41 42