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Labour Force Surveys (LFS), previous definitions

Official statistics of Sweden

In Januari 2021, the LFS was adapted to the EU regulation (2019/1700) for social statistics, which has caused time series breaks. The Labour Force Surveys, previous definitions refer to calculations before the adjustment.

The statistics that were adapted to the EU regulation (2019/1700) can be found here:

Labour Force Surveys, LFS

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Tables in the Statistical Database


Title Language Type Date
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) – Theme: Employment among refugees and their family members in 2019 Swedish SM 2021-11-23
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) – Theme: The labour market during the COVID-19 pandemic Swedish SM 2021-04-21
Labour force surveys (LFS) 2020 Swedish SM 2021-03-04
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) – Theme: Overtime and Additional Time 2005-2019 Swedish SM 2020-06-09
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) – Theme: Development for temporary employees 2005-2019 Swedish SM 2020-03-31
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) 2019 Swedish SM 2020-02-20
Labour force surveys (LFS) – Theme: Organisation of working time 2008-2018 Swedish with elements of English SM 2019-10-01
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) – Theme: The labour market in 2018 for persons living with children under the age of 12 Swedish with elements of English SM 2019-06-11
Labour force surveys – Theme: The labour market situation for refugees and refugee family members 2010–2018 Swedish with elements of English SM 2019-03-05
Labour force surveys (LFS) 2018 Swedish with elements of English SM 2019-02-21
Labour force surveys (LFS), fourth quarter 2018 Swedish with elements of English SM 2019-02-12
Labour force surveys (LFS) 3rd quarter 2018 Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-11-06
Labour force surveys (LFS) – Theme: Young people on the labour market 2016 Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-10-02
Labour force surveys (LFS) 2nd quarter 2018 Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-08-28
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) – Theme: People aged 20–64 years who are involuntary out of work, 2005–2017 Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-05-31
Labour force surveys (LFS) 1st quarter 2018 Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-05-17
Labour force surveys (LFS) 2017 Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-02-22
Labour force surveys (LFS), 4th quarter 2017 Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-02-13
Labour force surveys – Theme: Unemployed persons that have already found a job which will start within 3 months Swedish with elements of English SM 2018-01-30
Labour force surveys – Theme: The labour market for persons with a lower level of education 2005–2016 Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-11-21
Labour force surveys: 3rd quarter 2017 Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-10-30
Labour force surveys – Theme: Hours worked Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-09-11
Labour force surveys: 2nd quarter 2017 Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-08-24
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) – Theme: The labour market for young people in the summer months Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-05-26
Labour force surveys: 1st quarter 2017 Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-05-15
Labour force surveys - Theme: Persons available to work but not seeking 2005-2016 Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-02-24
Labour force surveys 2016 Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-02-23
Labour force surveys (LFS), 4th quarter 2016 Swedish with elements of English SM 2017-02-13
Labour force surveys – Theme: Employed persons by economic activity between 2006 and 2015 Swedish with elements of English SM 2016-11-22
Labour force surveys – Theme: The labour market situation among full-time students in 2005–2015 Swedish with elements of English SM 2016-09-20
Labour Force Surveys (LFS) - Theme: The labour market for men and women during the years 2001–2016 Swedish with elements of English SM 2016-05-26
Labour force surveys – Theme: Labour situation of migrants and their immediate descendants 2014 Swedish with elements of English SM 2016-03-01
Labour force surveys – Theme: Development of underemployment 2005–2014 Swedish with elements of English SM 2015-11-17
Labour force surveys – Theme: Patterns of absenteeism – different during major sporting events? Swedish with elements of English SM 2015-09-22
Labour force surveys – Theme: Regional labour market and migration across county lines Swedish with elements of English SM 2015-05-26
Labour force surveys – Theme: Trends for persons in temporary employment Swedish with elements of English SM 2015-02-24
Labour force surveys – Theme: Transition from work to retirement 2012 Swedish with elements of English SM 2014-11-18
Labour force surveys – Theme: Development of the Swedish labour market since the financial crisis Swedish with elements of English SM 2014-09-02
Labour force surveys – Theme: The labour market among foreign born 2005–2013 Swedish with elements of English SM 2014-06-11
Labour force survey: 4th quarter 2013 – Theme: Labour underutilization, 2001–2013 Swedish with elements of English SM 2014-02-25
Labour force survey: 3rd quarter 2013 – Theme: Risks for long-term unemployment Swedish with elements of English SM 2013-11-25
Labour force survey: 2nd quarter 2013 – Theme: Development of employment and labour force participation in Europe Swedish with elements of English SM 2013-09-17
Labour force survey: 1st quarter 2013 – Theme: Youth unemployment Swedish with elements of English SM 2013-06-05
Labour force survey: 4th quarter 2012 – Theme: Time worked 2012 – How much are we working and when? Swedish with elements of English SM 2013-02-26
Labour force survey: 3rd quarter 2012 – Theme: The development for persons not at work during 2005–2012 Swedish with elements of English SM 2012-11-20
Arbetskraftsundersökningen 2:a kvartalet 2012 – Tema: Hur mycket jobbar vi i Sverige? Swedish with elements of English SM 2012-09-18
Labour force survey: 1st quarter 2012 – Theme: Persons outside the labour force aged 15–74 Swedish with elements of English SM 2012-05-29
Labour force survey: 4th quarter 2011 – Theme: Employment and hours worked over the business cycle Swedish with elements of English SM 2012-02-23
Labour force survey: 3rd quarter 2011 – Theme: Long-term unemployment among persons aged 15–74 Swedish with elements of English SM 2011-11-15
Labour force survey: 2nd quarter 2011 – Theme: The labour market for persons aged 20–64 years Swedish with elements of English SM 2011-08-30
Labour force survey: 1st quarter 2011 – Theme: Externally recruited persons 2005–2011 Swedish with elements of English SM 2011-05-24
Labour force survey: 4th quarter 2010 with Theme: The labour market from a regional perspective Swedish with elements of English SM 2011-02-21
Labour force survey 1st quarter 2010 – Theme: The impact of two crises on the labour market Swedish with elements of English SM 2010-05-25
Labour force survey: 4th quarter 2009 – incl. Theme: Underemployment Swedish with elements of English SM 2010-02-23
Labour force survey 3rd quarter 2009 – Theme: Labour market situation for foreign-born persons in 2008 Swedish with elements of English SM 2009-11-25
Labour force survey: 2nd quarter 2009 – incl. Theme: Comparing unemployment among young people in Europe Swedish with elements of English SM 2009-08-20
Labour force survey: 1st quarter 2009 – incl. Theme: Youth unemployment Swedish with elements of English SM 2009-05-07
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