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Savings barometer

Official statistics of Sweden

Upcoming publishing: 2025-02-20

The Savings barometer contains quick statistics to quickly provide a preliminary calculation of households' financial savings and wealth on a quarterly basis.

These statistics are the responsibility of:
Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

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Statistical news

Households' growth rate in loans continues to increase


At the end of the third quarter 2024, household new savings in liquid assets amounted to SEK 13 billion. At the same time, loans increased by SEK 20 billion. The liquid savings thus amounted to SEK -7 billion, which is SEK 36 billion lower compared to the same period last year. The annual growth rate of household loans was 1 percent.

All statistical news for this statistic

Tables and graphs

Tables in the Statistical Database

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Statistics Sweden, National Accounts


Emil Hermansson

+46 10 479 42 50

Nicolai Nystrand

+46 10 479 45 45

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