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Household financial transactions, Q4 2023–Q4 2024

Transactions, SEK millions

  2023 2024
  Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Currency ‑973 ‑847 178 ‑184 ‑199
Deposits ‑13 271 14 544 54 636 ‑14 345 ‑3 899
Bank deposits ‑17 317 12 743 54 561 ‑15 647 ‑8 166
Capital investments in tax account and national debt savings[1] ‑348 408 ‑1 346 ‑165 ‑703
Other deposits 4 394 1 393 1 421 1 467 4 970
Bonds 2 187 2 459 ‑1 157 20 1 875
Lottery bonds[2] 0 0 0 0 0
Structured products 2 187 2 459 ‑1 157 20 1 875
Directly owned shares 19 009 28 175 17 829 11 374 25 776
Swedish listed shares ‑521 6 388 2 672 ‑1 641 ‑1 178
Swedish unlisted shares 20 614 22 971 15 195 13 466 20 657
Foreign shares ‑1 084 ‑1 184 ‑38 ‑451 6 297
Funds 7 917 37 051 68 176 12 822 13 760
Swedish-registered funds 6 396 26 690 40 224 9 287 12 635
Equity funds 4 497 19 950 22 081 9 530 9 117
Bond and money market funds 895 262 ‑71 60 ‑406
Other funds 1 004 6 478 18 214 ‑303 3 924
Foreign-registered funds 1 521 10 361 27 952 3 535 1 125
Tenant ownership rights 19 785 14 329 11 600 6 816 10 301
Holiday homes abroad[3] ‑528 ‑115 ‑115 ‑115 ‑21
Private insurance savings ‑13 435 17 823 5 391 11 002 4 828
Swedish ‑13 534 17 721 5 043 10 898 4 685
Non-unit-linked ‑11 733 15 899 4 337 9 445 4 907
Unit-linked ‑1 801 1 822 706 1 453 ‑222
Foreign 99 102 348 104 143
Occupational pensions 45 999 49 672 71 791 48 996 40 589
Non-unit-linked 31 109 29 596 33 092 29 440 24 703
Unit-linked 14 890 20 076 38 699 19 556 15 886
Premium pensions 16 929 19 002 35 859 16 229 12 667
Other insurance technical reserves[4] ‑7 905 18 939 ‑2 487 ‑8 904 19 663
Accruals, assets[5] 5 628 38 934 87 850 ‑14 680 18 356
Other financial assets 795 ‑1 480 423 ‑616 808
Total financial assets 82 137 238 486 349 974 68 415 144 504
Individual financial assets excluding accruals 21 486 111 939 156 961 26 774 53 229
Loans 2 572 12 567 23 593 21 175 25 722
Loans in banks and housing credit institutions ‑657 7 287 22 497 19 776 23 393
Student loans, Government 3 474 6 083 1 524 2 867 3 000
Other loans ‑245 ‑803 ‑428 ‑1 468 ‑671
Accruals, liabilities[6] 10 023 ‑16 658 ‑2 241 ‑7 548 5 145
Other liabilities .. .. .. .. ..
Total liabilities 12 595 ‑4 091 21 352 13 627 30 867
Liabilities excluding accruals 2 572 12 567 23 593 21 175 25 722
Financial savings 69 542 242 577 328 622 54 788 113 637
Liquid savings [7] 18 914 99 372 133 368 5 599 27 507

1) New transactions made by households to the Swedish Tax Agency since the fourth quarter of 2015 (considered as savings) are included here. The Swedish National Debt Office is phasing out the savings form National Debt Savings.

2) Lottery bond have been phased out as a saving. The last issued lottery bonds matured in 2021.

3) According to the National Accounts manual ESA 2010, Swedish households cannot own real assets such as real estate abroad; ownership of real estate abroad is instead registered as a financial asset abroad (ESA 2010 sections 7.76 and 18.15). Swedish households' real assets in Sweden are not included in the Savings Barometer, which only shows households' financial assets.

4) Non-life insurance technical reserves and entitlements to non-pension benefits.

5) Other accounts receivable.

6) Other accounts payable.

7) Liquid savings are excluding savings in occupational pensions, premium pensions, other insurance technical reserves and accruals net.

Definitions and explanations

- Magnitude nil

. Category not applicable

.. Data not available or too uncertain to be stated

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