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National accounts other

Upcoming publishing: 2025-03-10

Statistics related to National Accounts, such as the monthly GDP indicator and yearly multifactor productivity are published here.

Statistical news

Higher GDP in December


Sweden’s GDP increased by 0.7 percent in December, seasonally adjusted and compared with the previous month, as shown by the preliminary compilation of the GDP indicator. For the fourth quarter as a whole GDP increased by 0.2 percent compared with the preceding quarter. In December GDP was 2.1 percent higher than in December of 2023 while the fourth quarter increased by 1.1 percent compared with the corresponding quarter of the preceding year.

All statistical news for this statistic

Tables and graphs

Tables in the Statistical Database

Statistics Service

+46 10 479 50 00
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9:00–12:00, 13:00–16:00

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Statistics Sweden, National Accounts


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