National accounts other: Multifactor productivity 2019
Multifactor productivity increased in 2019
Multifactor productivity (MFP) increased sharply in 2019 compared with the previous year and accounted for just under two-thirds of the business sector’s increase of 2.6 percent in value added.
Multifactor productivity refers to the part of growth that cannot be explained by an increase in the production factors labour force or capital. In brief, multifactor productivity reflects the overall efficiency of the production process or of the technical development.
Multifactor productivity made a positive contribution to growth in value added for both goods- and service-producing industries in 2019. Service-producing industries accounted for the largest contribution, in which 2.4 percentage points of the 3.6 percent growth came from multifactor productivity.
Across the time series on average, multifactor productivity accounted for 1 percentage point of growth in the business sector.
Multifactor productivity, distributed by goods and service sectors, shows that the service sectors noted a considerably higher MFP than the goods sectors in 2019. For the time series as whole, these proportions are reversed. Across the time series on average, MFP accounted for 2 percentage points of growth in the goods sectors. This corresponds to about two-thirds of growth in the goods sectors. In the service sectors, MFP accounted for 0.5 percentage points on average across the time series. This means that MFP accounted for about one-seventh of growth in the service sectors.
Statistical Database
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