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Population in Sweden by Country/Region of Birth, Citizenship and Swedish/Foreign background, 31 December 2024

Country/Region of Birth
Foreign or Swedish background
2024 Change
between 2023
and 2024
per cent (%)
Mean Age 2024
  Population Whereof Share of
  Total Whereof
    Women Men       Women Men
Whole population 10 587 710 5 262 925 5 324 785 100.0 0.3 42.2 43.0 41.4
Region of birth                
Born in Sweden 8 387 472 4 163 424 4 224 048 79.2 0.1 41.8 42.6 41.0
Foreign-born 2 200 238 1 099 501 1 100 737 20.8 1.4 43.6 44.5 42.7
Swedish citizenship 9 755 897 4 873 983 4 881 914 92.1 0.5 42.7 43.6 41.8
whereof Born in Sweden 8 314 314 4 128 169 4 186 145 78.5 0.1 42.1 42.9 41.3
whereof Foreign-born 1 441 583 745 814 695 769 13.6 2.8 46.5 47.6 45.4
Foreign citizenship 831 813 388 942 442 871 7.9 ‑1.5 35.9 35.7 36.1
whereof Born in Sweden 73 158 35 255 37 903 0.7 ‑3.0 12.9 12.3 13.6
whereof Foreign-born 758 655 353 687 404 968 7.2 ‑1.3 38.1 38.0 38.2
Foreign or Swedish background                
Swedish background 7 676 833 3 817 326 3 859 507 72.5 ‑0.1 43.6 44.5 42.8
whereof born in Sweden with two parents born in Sweden 6 841 416 3 407 079 3 434 337 64.6 ‑0.3 44.9 45.7 44.0
whereof born in Sweden with one foreign-born parent 835 417 410 247 425 170 7.9 1.2 33.4 33.8 33.1
Foreign background 2 910 877 1 445 599 1 465 278 27.5 1.5 38.4 39.2 37.6
whereof foreign-born 2 200 238 1 099 501 1 100 737 20.8 1.4 43.6 44.5 42.7
whereof born in Sweden with two foreign-born parents 710 639 346 098 364 541 6.7 2.1 22.1 22.2 22.0
Foreign-born by region of birth                
Nordic countries except Sweden 208 421 118 890 89 531 2.0 ‑2.1 60.4 61.8 58.5
EU except the Nordic countries 389 881 189 758 200 123 3.7 0.7 45.2 46.1 44.4
Europe except the EU and the Nordic countries 349 672 174 652 175 020 3.3 8.8 45.4 45.8 45.0
Africa 254 011 121 594 132 417 2.4 0.3 37.9 37.5 38.2
North America 46 867 23 255 23 612 0.4 0.6 41.4 41.1 41.8
South America 80 601 42 015 38 586 0.8 0.1 47.4 48.2 46.6
Asia 857 879 423 171 434 708 8.1 0.3 39.5 40.2 38.9
Oceania 6 755 2 409 4 346 0.1 ‑3.1 38.8 36.7 40.0
Soviet Union 4 959 3 272 1 687 0.0 ‑2.2 61.7 63.2 58.8
Unknown country 1 192 485 707 0.0 ‑10.4 35.7 36.1 35.4

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