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Consumer Price Index (CPI), August 2018

Inflation rate according to CPIF 2.2 percent

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2018-09-14 9.30

The inflation rate according to the CPI with a fixed interest rate (CPIF) was 2.2 percent in August 2018, which was the same as in July 2018. The CPIF decreased by 0.2 percent from July to August. In the corresponding period last year, the CPIF decreased by 0.1 percent. The inflation rate according to the CPI was 2.0 percent in August 2018.

Price decreases on package holidays (-20.6 percent) and on international flights (-29.0 percent) contributed 0.4 and 0.3 percentage point respectively to the change from July to August. Lower food prices (-0.4 percent) contributed an additional 0.1 percentage point downward.

This decrease was offset by a price increase on clothing (6.1 percent), which contributed 0.2 percentage point upward. Higher prices on electricity (1.6 percent), fuels and lubricants for personal transport equipment (1.1 percent), accommodation services (6.3 percent) and public transport (3.7 percent) contributed 0.1 percentage point each in August. The change in public transport was due to a price return after free public (local) transport for schoolchildren during the summer.

The CPI for August 2018 was 329.63 (1980=100).

The inflation rate according to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) was 2.1 percent in August 2018, down from 2.2 percent in July. The HICP decreased by 0.3 percent from July to August. In the corresponding period last year, the HICP decreased by 0.2 percent.

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2018-10-11 at 09:30.

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Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Price Statistics

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171 54 Solna


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Miykal Tareke

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