Consumer Price Index (CPI), October 2019
Inflation rate according to CPIF was 1.5 percent in October
Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2019-11-13 9.30
The inflation rate according to the CPI with a fixed interest rate (CPIF) was 1.5 percent in October 2019, up from 1.3 percent in September. The CPIF remained unchanged from September. In the corresponding period a year ago, the CPIF decreased by 0.1 percent. The inflation rate according to the CPI was 1.6 percent in October 2019.
Higher prices on electricity (1.4 percent) and transport (0.6 percent) contributed 0.1 percentage point each upwards to the change from September to October.
These increases were offset mainly by cost decreases on the usage of owner-occupied housing (-0.9 percent) and food (-0.5 percent), which contributed downwards to the CPI by 0.1 percentage point each.
The CPI for October 2019 was 336.04 (1980=100).
The inflation rate according to the Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) was 1.6 percent, up from 1.3 percent in September. The HICP increased by 0.1 percent from September to October. In the corresponding period last year, the HICP decreased by 0.2 percent.
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