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Producer and Import Price Index, February 2021

Prices increased on all markets in February 2021

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2021-03-25 9.30

The Producer Price Index increased by 1.5 percent between January and February. The export market increased by 2.0 percent and the domestic market increased by 1.1 percent. On the import market, prices increased by 2.3 percent. The annual rate according to the Producer Price Index was 1.3 percent in February 2021 (-0.8 percent in January).

In brief

  • All markets were affected by higher prices on basic metals.
  • A weakened Swedish currency led to price increases in several product groups.
  • The annual rate on the domestic market continued to rise.
Percentage change
Total: B–E* Change,
percent (monthly)
percent (yearly)
  January 2021–
February 2021
February 2020–
February 2021
Producer Price Index 1.5 1.3
Producer Price Index, home sales 1.1 3.4
Export Price Index 2.0 ‑0.9
Import Price Index 2.3 ‑2.4
Price Index for domestic supply 1.7 0.4

Changes in the last month

The monthly rate of change was positive on all markets from January to February.

On the domestic market, upward contributions came mainly from higher prices on trade services of electricity and basic metals, followed by sawn and planed wood as well as structural metal products.

The main upward contributions on the export market came from higher prices on basic metals, chemicals and chemical products, and sawn and planed wood. Prices also increased on pulp, paper and paperboard, electricity, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, and other general-purpose machinery.

The upturn on the import market was affected primarily by higher prices on crude oil. Prices also increased on basic metals, chemicals and chemical products, computer, electronic and optical products, machinery and equipment, food products, fabricated metal products (except machinery and equipment), furniture, motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers, waste and waste collection services, and other manufactured goods.

Largest contribution to total change, in percentage points, January–February 2021
  Product group according to SPIN 2015 Largest contributions,
in percentage points,
to total percentage
January 2021–
February 2021
06.1 Crude oil     0.7
10 Food products     0.1
16.1 Wood, sawn and planed 0.1 0.2  
17.1 Pulp, paper and paperboard   0.2  
20 Chemicals and chemical products   0.2 0.2
24 Basic metals 0.2 0.3 0.2
25 Fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment     0.1
25.1 Structural metal products 0.1    
26 Computer, electronic and optical products     0.2
28 Machinery and equipment n.e.c.     0.1
28.2 Other general-purpose machinery   0.1  
29 Motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers   0.1 0.1
31 Furniture     0.1
32 Other manufactured goods     0.1
35.11 Electricity   0.1  
35.14 Trade services of electricity 0.2    
38.1 Waste; waste collection services     0.1

Monthly change between January and February, different years, in percent

Producer and Import Price Index, February 2021

Changes in the last year

Price declines were apparent on a yearly basis on all markets except for the domestic market. The annual rate on the domestic market remained positive at 3.4 percent, an increase from January when the annual rate was 1.6 percent. On the import and the export markets, the annual rates were negative, at -2.4 percent and -0.9 percent respectively. In January, these rates were -5.4 percent and -3.3 percent respectively.

The annual rate according to the Producer Price Index was 1.3 percent in February. Prices on energy-related products rose by 6.6 percent compared with February 2020. Prices on capital goods and on consumer goods fell by 2.3 percent and by 1.5 percent respectively. The annual rate for the Producer Price Index excluding energy-related products was 0.5 percent.

The annual rate of the Price Index for Domestic Supply was 0.4 percent in February. Prices on energy-related products increased by 1.6 percent compared with the corresponding month a year ago. Prices on capital goods and on consumer goods fell by 1.4 percent each. The annual rate of the Price Index for Domestic Supply excluding energy-related products was 0.1 percent.

Percentage change, compared with the corresponding month a year ago

Producer and Import Price Index, February 2021

Changes in exchange rates

An appreciation or depreciation of the Swedish currency lowers or raises export and import prices in Swedish kronor. Prices at the producer and import stages are converted from foreign currencies to Swedish kronor according to Swedish Customs’ exchange rates.

Evolution of the Swedish krona exchange rate against the most common trade weighted currencies
Currency Change,
percent (monthly)
percent (yearly)
  January 2021–
February 2021
February 2020–
February 2021
DKK ‑0.7 3.3
EUR ‑0.7 3.7
GBP ‑1.9 8.5
NOK ‑2.5 7.1
USD ‑1.0 12.2

A positive number means that the Swedish krona was strengthened against that currency.

Changes in 2021

Some changes in the production of the Producer and Import Price Index will be introduced in 2021. For further information, please see:

Changes in the PPI as of 2021

Definitions and explanations

Trade services of electricity was previously called electricity but has changed its designation to conform to the content and classification. 

The Producer Price Index home sales (HMPI) measures changes in Swedish producers’ prices of goods manufactured and sold in Sweden.  

The Export Price Index (EXPI) measures changes in Swedish producers’ prices of goods manufactured in Sweden and sold outside Sweden, both within and outside the EU.

The Import Price Index (IMPI) measures changes in the prices of imports of goods into Sweden.

The Producer Price Index (PPI) measures changes in the prices of Swedish producers’ total sales, obtained by combining the HMPI and the EXPI.

The Price Index for Domestic Supply (ITPI) measures changes in the prices of goods sold in Sweden, obtained by combining the HMPI and the IMPI.

Next publishing will be

Statistics for March will be published on 2021-04-27 at 09:30.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Price Statistics

Solna strandväg 86
171 54 Solna


Jörgen Fagerlund

+46 10 479 43 91

Carl-Magnus Jaensson

+46 10 479 41 43