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Purchasing Power Parities 2021-2023

Swedish households’ Actual Individual Consumption 6 percent above EU average


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-12-20 8.00

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Swedish households’ Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) per capita was 6 percent above the average for the 27 EU countries in 2023.

Actual Individual Consumption in purchasing power standards (PPS), 2023 (EU27=100)

Graph: Actual Individual Consumption in purchasing power standards (PPS), 2023 (EU27=100)

Source: Eurostat and Statistics Sweden

AIC per capita varied in 2023 among the 27 EU Member States, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland from 36 percent above the EU average to 30 percent below the EU average. Luxembourg tops the list at 36 percent above, followed by Norway, 24 percent above the EU average. However, it should be noted that Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland are not included in the EU average.

Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) and Gross Domestic Product (GDP), volume indices per capita in PPS, 2021, 2022, and 2023 EU27=100
  AIC volume index per capita, EU27=100 GDP volume index per capita, EU27=100
  2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Luxembourg 139 135 136 260 252 237
Norway 126 125 124 171 214 171
Germany 122 121 119 120 118 116
Netherlands 117 120 119 132 134 133
Iceland 122 120 119 122 132 135
Switzerland 118 117 116 156 159 154
Austria 117 117 114 121 123 120
Belgium 113 113 113 117 119 118
Denmark 122 110 108 134 135 125
France 107 105 106 101 98 99
Sweden 112 109 106 121 115 114
Finland 109 105 105 109 107 105
EU-27 100 100 100 100 100 100
Italy 96 98 100 96 98 98
Cyprus 94 97 100 94 98 97
Ireland 91 94 99 226 238 213
Spain 87 89 91 85 88 91
Malta 85 85 90 109 105 107
Lithuania 93 91 88 88 88 87
Romania 82 83 86 72 74 78
Portugal 83 85 85 74 77 81
Slovenia 84 86 85 88 89 92
Poland 86 85 83 79 78 77
Czechia 86 82 81 92 89 90
Greece 76 78 80 64 67 69
Slovakia 76 77 77 74 71 74
Croatia 74 74 76 70 72 76
Estonia 78 78 75 85 84 80
Latvia 73 73 74 71 69 70
Bulgaria 67 69 70 60 62 64
Hungary 69 70 70 75 77 77

Source: Eurostat and Statistics Sweden Note: The countries are sorted by descending AIC in 2022.

In 2023, Sweden’s GDP per capita in PPS was 14 percent above the EU average. Luxembourg had by far the highest GDP per capita, at 137 percent above the EU average. This high figure is due, in part, to the large proportion of foreign workers in the country, who contribute to GDP, but are not included in the population statistics. The lowest figure recorded in this comparison was 36 percent below the EU average, in Bulgaria.

Definitions and explanations

Purchasing power parities (PPP) are currency conversion rates that are applied in order to convert economic indicators from national currency to artificial common currency, called Purchasing Power Standard (PPS), which equalises the purchasing power of different national currencies and enables meaningful volume comparison between countries.

PPP is the ratio between the amount in the countries’ domestic currency that is needed to purchase the same basket of goods and services.

GDP is first calculated in the domestic currency and later converted with an artificial currency, Purchasing Power Standard (PPS). GDP per capita adjusted with purchasing power reflects the difference in volume in real terms between countries.

GDP per capita is mainly an indicator of economic activity in a particular country.

Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) refers to all goods and services that are actually consumed by individual households. In international comparisons, AIC is often preferred as an indicator of households’ material welfare.

Purchasing Power Parities - Overview

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Jahnavi Wallin

+46 10 479 42 18

Martina Sundström

+46 10 479 42 51