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Financiers and providers in health care, education and social services in 2022

Private enterprises carried out 18 percent of welfare sector activities

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-09-17 8.00

Total activities in health care, education and social services amounted to SEK 1 334 billion in 2022. Activities carried out by private enterprises amounted to SEK 242 billion, which is equivalent to 18 percent of activities in the welfare sector.

Total activities in the welfare sector increased with SEK 51 billion, in current prices compared to previous year, which is equivalent to an increase of 4 percent.

The lowest proportion of activities carries out by private enterprises was within education where the proportion of activities carried out by private enterprises amounted to 15 percent. The highest proportion of activities carried out by private enterprises was within social services where the proportion of activities carried out by private enterprises amounted to 21 percent. Within health care 20 percent were carried out by private enterprises.

The privately run enterprises were financed by the public sector to a degree of 75 percent. The degree differs between activities. Private enterprises within social services was financed by public funds to a degree of 95 percent. Within health care the comparable figure was 61 percent and within education the level was 74 percent.

Stockholm County had the highest proportion of purchased activities

On average at the national level, municipalities and regions purchased activities from private enterprises and foundations for 13 percent of the total gross cost in 2022. There are major regional differences. Stockholm County accounted by far for the highest proportion of purchased activities, 24 percent of the total gross cost. The counties with second highest proportion was Skåne County and Västmanlands County, where the proportion of purchased activities amounted to 14 percent. Norrbotten County accounted for the lowest proportion of purchased activities, at just 5 percent.

58 000 kind-of-activity units in welfare sector

There were around 58 000 kind-of-activities in the business sector in the welfare sector in 2022. Almost half of the kind-of-activities, 28 000, was in health care sector. Within education there were 25 000 kind-of-activities and within social service there were almost 4 700 kind-of-activities.

The proportion of employed women in welfare sector was 77 percent

In 2022 the number of employed in welfare sector was around 1 373 000, an increase of almost 6 000 compared to the previous year. Number employed in education sector was 552 000, in social service 470 000 and in health care sector there was 350 000 person employed.

Among employed persons in the welfare sector, just over 50 percent were employed in the municipalities, 21 percent were employed by private enterprises and 19 percent were employed in the regions. The proportion of employed women in the welfare sector was 77 percent. The largest proportion of women was in the health care, where 79 percent were women. In social care the proportion of women was 78 percent and in education the proportion of women was 74 percent.

The proportion of foreign born was largest in social service, where 33 percent was foreign born. In health care the proportion amount to 20 percent and in education sector the proportion was 22 percent.

This data is reported in current prices.

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Statistics Sweden, Public Finance and Microsimulations Unit

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