Community Innovation Survey 2020-2022
Digitalisation increased the innovation intensity among enterprises in 2022
80 percent of the enterprises were classified as more digitalised in 2022. The higher degree of digitalisation an enterprise had, the greater the possibility that they conducted innovation activities. In the lowest degree of digitalisation, 27 percent were innovation active, in comparison to 79 percent in the highest degree of digitalisation.
In this report, data from the surveys ICT usage in enterprises and Community Innovation Survey are used together in a microdata analysis. The analysis looks at the correlation between the degree of digitalisation among Swedish enterprises in 2022 and the innovation activities for the same enterprises in 2020-2022. It is based on indicators of digitalisation specified by the EU for the Digital Intensity Index (DII).
The innovation intensity was higher among the more digitalised enterprises. Looking at the 12 indicators of DII separately, the innovation intensity was relatively even. The share of innovation active enterprises per indicator were between 68 and 78 percent. Even though the difference in innovation intensity between indicators was small, the intensity was highest for the indicators which the fewest enterprises fulfilled.
Factors such as size class and economic activity effected both the degree of digitalisation and the prevalence of innovation in the population. The largest share of innovation active enterprises was found among the more digitalised enterprises, and it increased with size class. Among the more digitalised large enterprises (250 or more employees), 82 percent were innovation active. The corresponding share for more digitalised small enterprises (10-49 employees) was 68 percent.
The report is an exploratory microdata analysis. The results are limited to the described population and therefor only reflect the enterprises that have responded to both surveys.
Statistical Database
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