Research and Development in the Business Enterprise Sector 2023
Swedish enterprises’ R&D investments continues to increase strongly – most R&D intensive in the EU
In 2023, the business enterprise sector’s intramural research and development (R&D) expenditure amounted to 166,1 billion SEK, an increase of 14,4 SEK billion, or 9,4 percent, in fixed prices compared to 2021. Intramural R&D expenditure as percentage of GDP was 2,68 percent. Except for in 2021, Swedish firms has been the most R&D intensive in the EU in the last decade.
The business enterprise sector financed most of their R&D with internal funds, so called self-financing. In 2023, self-financed R&D amounted to 118,4 SEK billion. External funding came mainly from other enterprises within the same group. Of this, 17,3 SEK billion were from other enterprises within the same group in Sweden and 12,6 SEK billion from other enterprises within the same group abroad.
The number of R&D personnel and the R&D performed by the personnel both increased compared to 2021. In 2023, the number of R&D personnel was 85 200 persons and they performed 78 400 full-time equivalents in R&D. An increase of 4,3 and 8,1 percent, respectively compared with 2021. Out of the 78 400 full-time equivalents, men accounted for 72,3 percent and women 27,8 percent.
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.