Research and Development in the business sector 2021
Increased funding from rest of the world to the business enterprise sector
The business enterprise sector continued increasing its expenditure on intramural research and development (R&D) in 2021. The total expenditure on intramural R&D amounted to 131,5 SEK billion, which was an increase of approximately 2,1 percent compared to 2019 in fixed prices. The R&D performed by the total personnel amounted to almost 89 000 full-time equivalents.
The funding received from the rest of the world increased in 2021. The business enterprise sector received approximately 18,6 SEK billion from the rest of the world which was an increase of 6,2 SEK billion, or almost 50 percent, compared to 2019. In 2021, self-financing accounted for almost 71 percent of the business enterprise sector's total funding. The corresponding proportion was almost 80 percent in 2019.
The full-time equivalents performed by the personnel in R&D were around 89 000: an increase of almost 4 500 full-time equivalents, or 5,3 percent, compared to 2019. Of the 89 000 full-time equivalents men stood for 74 percent and women for 26 percent. The increase of R&D personnel was driven by the internal personnel, which increased by 7 900 full-time equivalents. The external personnel decreased by 3 400 full-time equivalents.
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