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ICT usage in households and by individuals 2024

One in four uses generative AI tools


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-10-18 8.00

Future publications

25 percent of Sweden's population aged 16 or older, corresponding to 2.1 million people, have used generative AI-tools in the past three months.

The development in artificial intelligence (AI) is moving at a rapid pace and has been a hot topic over the past year. From 2024 onwards, questions about the use of generative AI tools are included in the survey ICT usage in households and by individuals.

The results of this year's survey show that men are more likely than women to use generative AI tools. 29 percent of the men and 20 percent of the women have used this kind of tools in the last three months. Most people who have used generative AI tools have done so in formal education. This group makes up 72 percent of AI users in the last three months. Almost half of the AI users have used these tools for professional or work-related purposes, and a third have used the technology for private purposes.

Proportion of people who have used generative AI tools and purpose of use in the last three months, by gender, 2024, percent


The use of generative AI tools differs between people of different ages. Generally speaking, younger people are the most frequent users. The results show that every second person in the youngest age group has used generative AI tools in the past three months. The proportion who has used AI tools decreases with age. In the age group 24–34 years, two out of five have used the technology. The lowest proportion is reported among people in the age group 65–74 years, where only 4 percent state that they have used such tools.

Proportion of people who have used generative AI tools in the last three months, by age, 2024, percent


*The data for women aged 65–74 years and for people aged 75 or older are too uncertain to report.


Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Innovation, Business sector production and Research section



Alicja Markiewicz

+46 10 479 46 36

Helena Månsson

+46 10-479 41 28