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Social insurance

Official statistics of Sweden

Surveys by statistics areas

  • Pensions and related benefits in the national pension system

    Statistical agency: Swedish Pensions Agency

    The statistics show the regular monthly payments of pensions and pension-related benefits paid by the Swedish Pensions Agency. The statistics also report earnings and savings for the national pension.

  • Activity compensation, sickness compensation and housing supplement

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of recipients, the number of new granted recipients and amounts paid out, by sex, age, county, scope and type of benefit (income-related compensation, guarantee payments). The statistics are shown for sickness benefit and activity allowance separately and together.

    Assistance compensation

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of persons eligible for assistance and the number of granted hours per week by age, group of persons, county and type of provider.

    Car allowance

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of persons granted care allowance by age and allowance group.

    Daily cash benefits

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the scope of payments of sickness benefit and rehabilitation allowance, in Swedish crowns and the number of days in the reference period, and for allowance for care of close relative, the number of care-givers, patients and number of days is reported.

    Decisions of applications for sickness benefit

    The statistics show the development of the decisions taken by the Swedish Social Insurance Agency regarding sickness benefits. The statistics also show reasons why sick leave is terminated.

    Disability allowance

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of recipients and monthly amount paid out by age, county and compensation level.

    Incapacity measures

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics include measures for incapacity and sickness. The aim is to report the number of days paid out with compensation for reduced ability to work due to illness per person (registered insured person) and year. The statistics is distributed by sex, age, county, municipality and benefit.

    National dental care subsidy

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    Registered insured persons

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of registered insured persons from 1970 distributed by sex, age and county. From 1999, there are more detailed tables concerning insured persons. The measure refers to the number of registered insured persons on 31 December.

    Sickness cases

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show continuous periods of days paid out for sickness benefit, rehabilitation allowance and/or work injury payments ("sickness cases").

    Work injury payments (excl. survivor's work injury annuity payments)

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

  • Care allowance

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics are no longer updated. The last published statistics refer to November 2023. The statistics show the number of recipients, the number of children and the monthly amount paid out, by age, county, extent of care allowance and level of additional cost compensation.

    Child allowance

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of recipients of child allowance and amounts paid out. Child allowance refers to general child allowance, extended child allowance and large family supplement.

    Housing allowance for families with children etc.

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of households with housing allowance and average allowance-qualifying income, housing costs and housing allowance issued by sex, county, allowance-qualifying income, type of household and type of housing.

    Maintenance support

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of children, the number of parents living with children, the number of parents obliged to support, and paid out, invoiced and paid amounts, by sex and county.

    Parental benefit

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    Pregnancy benefit

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    Temporary parental benefit

    Statistical agency: Swedish Social Insurance Agency

    The statistics show the number of recipients, number of children, number of net days, number of net days on average per child in the population, number of net days on average per child with vab and the amount paid out by sex, age, duration, county and municipality.