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Exports and imports of goods, quarter 2 2023/January-Juni 2023, in current prices and in constant prices

Exports of goods fell by 4 percent compared with the first quarter

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2023-08-29 8.00

In the second quarter 2023, exports of goods decreased compared with the first quarter. At the same time, imports of goods rose marginally. Compared with the second quarter 2022, both exports and imports of goods rose slightly in value while they fell slightly in volume.

– In the first six months, crude petroleum oils accounted for the largest decrease from Norway, says Ari Mansikkaviita, statistician at Statistics Sweden.


  • In the second quarter of 2023, Swedish exports of goods increased by 2 percent in value (in current prices), while in terms of volume (in constant prices) exports of goods decreased by 2 percent, compared with the same period a year ago. Imports of goods increased by 1 percent in value, while in terms of volume they decreased by 3 percent.
  • Compared with the previous quarter, Swedish exports of goods fell by 4 percent in both value and in volume. Imports of goods rose by 1 percent in value and by 2 percent in volume.
  • In the period January–June 2023, the value of Swedish exports of goods amounted to SEK 1 056 billion, an increase of 7 percent compared with the same period a year ago. At the same time, the value of imports of goods increased by 5 percent and amounted to SEK 1 035 billion.
  • In the period January–June 2023, exports of goods remained the same while imports of goods decreased by 2 percent in volume compared with the same period a year ago.
  • Net trade shows a surplus of SEK 21 billion in the period January–June 2023. In the same period in 2022, there was a net trade deficit of SEK 3 billion.

Detailed information about the second quarter 2023 (in current prices and in constant prices)

Exports of passenger cars increased by 46 percent in value and by 34 percent in volume
In the second quarter of 2023, Sweden’s exports of goods increased by 2 percent in value while they decreased by 2 percent in volume, compared with the corresponding period a year ago.

Within the product area machinery and transport equipment, export of passenger cars increased by 46 percent in value and by 34 percent in volume. Exports of mineral fuels and electric current fell by 38 percent in value and by 15 percent in volume. Within the other products area, exports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 7 percent in value while they fell by 4 percent in volume.

Exports of mineral fuels and electric current fell by 38 percent in value and by 15 percent in volume. Within the other products area, exports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 7 percent in value while they fell by 4 percent in volume.

  Value (current prices) Value (current prices) Volume (value in constant prices) Value (current prices) Volume (value in constant prices)
      Share in % Change in % Change in % Change in % Change in %
Commodity group according to SITC January-June 2023 January-June 2022 January-June 2023 Q1-2 2023/Q1-2 2022 Q1-2 2023/Q1-2 2022 Q2 2023/Q2 2022 Q2 2023/Q2 2022
Total 1 056 411 985 641 100.0 7 0 2 ‑2
Wood and paper products 96 947 101 941 9.2 ‑5 ‑4 ‑13 ‑7
Wood 23 248 31 049 2.2 ‑25 16 ‑31 11
Pulp and waste paper 17 183 16 146 1.6 6 ‑8 ‑3 ‑6
Paper, paper products 52 291 50 019 4.9 5 ‑12 ‑4 ‑15
Minerals 111 065 116 470 10.5 ‑5 ‑6 ‑14 ‑12
Iron ore and concentrates 17 338 18 032 1.6 ‑4 ‑8 ‑18 ‑16
Iron and steel 49 038 49 662 4.6 ‑1 ‑4 ‑10 ‑10
Non-ferrous metals 23 090 26 440 2.2 ‑13 ‑11 ‑21 ‑16
Chemicals, rubber products 160 403 150 058 15.2 7 1 2 ‑2
Organic/inorganic chemicals 16 588 15 447 1.6 7 0 ‑12 ‑14
Pharmaceutical products 78 176 70 069 7.4 12 5 8 1
Plastics 24 569 26 748 2.3 ‑8 ‑6 ‑10 ‑3
Mineral fuels, electric current 82 473 104 702 7.8 ‑21 ‑8 ‑38 ‑15
Petroleum products 65 440 82 362 6.2 ‑21 ‑10 ‑36 ‑17
Machinery, transport equipment 467 848 387 249 44.3 21 6 21 7
Manufactures of metals 26 166 25 183 2.5 4 ‑5 1 ‑6
Industrial machinery 153 664 123 680 14.5 24 9 24 9
Electronics, telecommunication 100 135 91 001 9.5 10 ‑6 8 ‑7
Road vehicles 159 370 120 595 15.1 32 18 34 19
Passenger cars 84 086 60 930 8.0 38 26 46 34
Lorries, trucks[1] 26 068 19 633 2.5 33 8 25 1
Parts, accessories 37 762 30 747 3.6 23 10 18 7
Other transport equipment 5 840 6 374 0.6 ‑8 ‑16 59 46
Instruments, photo/optical products 22 673 20 416 2.1 11 0 9 ‑2
Other products 137 674 125 220 13.0 10 ‑1 6 ‑4
Food, beverages, tobacco 68 032 60 692 6.4 12 ‑1 7 ‑4
Textiles, clothing, footwear 26 419 24 792 2.5 7 ‑1 ‑1 ‑6
Furniture 11 925 11 785 1.1 1 ‑14




Imports of mineral fuels and electric current fell by 25 percent in value while they remained the same in volume

In the second quarter of 2023, Sweden’s imports of goods increased by 1 percent in value while they fell by 3 percent in volume compared with the corresponding period a year ago.

Within the product area machinery and transport equipment, imports of passenger cars increased by 36 percent in value and by 26 percent in volume. Imports of mineral fuels and electric current fell by 25 percent in value while they remained the same in volume. Within the other products area, imports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 9 percent in value while they fell by 2 percent in volume.

  Value (current prices) Value (current prices) Volume (value in constant prices) Value (current prices) Volume (value in constant prices)
      Share in % Change in % Change in % Change in % Change in %
Commodity group according to SITC January-June 2023 January-June 2022 January-June 2023 Q1-2 2023/Q1-2 2022 Q1-2 2023/Q1-2 2022 Q2 2023/Q2 2022 Q2 2023/Q2 2022
Total 1 035 245 988 762 100.0 5 ‑2 1 ‑3
Wood and paper products 27 971 27 325 2.7 2 ‑14 ‑6 ‑14
Minerals 84 265 91 575 8.1 ‑8 ‑6 ‑13 ‑7
Iron and steel 36 093 41 778 3.5 ‑14 ‑7 ‑17 ‑5
Non-ferrous metals 17 870 21 195 1.7 ‑16 ‑10 ‑21 ‑11
Metalliferrous ores, metal scrap 14 824 12 694 1.4 17 23 6 16
Chemicals, rubber products 136 810 129 772 13.2 5 ‑1 ‑1 ‑3
Organic/inorganic chemicals 32 861 28 557 3.2 15 4 0 ‑3
Pharmaceutical products 35 684 31 674 3.4 13 4 11 2
Plastics 23 665 26 576 2.3 ‑11 ‑7 ‑16 ‑6
Crude rubber, rubber products 11 455 10 708 1.1 7 ‑8 0 ‑13
Mineral fuels, electric current 112 910 132 465 10.9 ‑15 ‑1 ‑25 0
Crude petroleum oils 58 007 76 718 5.6 ‑24 ‑9 ‑35 ‑14
Petroleum products 42 036 40 834 4.1 3 10 ‑4 24
Machinery, transport equipment 457 342 397 927 44.2 15 2 15 3
Manufactures of metals 33 271 34 441 3.2 ‑3 ‑12 ‑9 ‑15
Industrial machinery 112 611 95 900 10.9 17 4 17 5
Electronics, telecommunication 156 338 141 427 15.1 11 ‑2 14 2
Road vehicles 122 677 96 056 11.9 28 13 27 13
Passenger cars 62 603 46 514 6.0 35 24 36 26
Parts and accessories 37 122 30 466 3.6 22 1 16 ‑4
Other transport equipment 7 186 7 653 0.7 ‑6 ‑13 ‑12 ‑18
Instruments, photo/optical equip 25 259 22 451 2.4 13 1 9 ‑2
Other products 215 948 209 699 20.9 3 ‑10 ‑1 ‑12
Food, beverages, tobacco 113 291 99 914 10.9 13 ‑2 9 ‑2
Textiles, clothing, footwear 45 879 48 198 4.4 ‑5 ‑16 ‑12 ‑22
Furniture 13 964 16 681 1.3 ‑16 ‑28 ‑16 ‑26

Value and volume trends

The value index and the volume index describe nominal and real value trends over time. The real value trends describe trends in which price changes have been removed. The indices are chain indices with base year 2015=100.

Exports and imports of goods, quarter 2 2023/January-Juni 2023, in current prices and in constant prices

The value index and the volume index for exports decreased in the second quarter compared to the first quarter. The value index is marginally higher the second quarter compared to the same period last year.

Exports and imports of goods, quarter 2 2023/January-Juni 2023, in current prices and in constant prices

The value index for imports of goods increased in the second quarter and is higher compared to the same period last year. The volume index increased in the second quarter compared to the first quarter, but is lower compared to the fourth quarter of 2022.

Detailed information about January–June 2023 (current prices)

Imports of goods from Norway fell by 11 percent
Sweden’s exports of goods to EU27 increased by 9 percent, and imports from there increased by 11 percent compared with the same period a year ago. Exports to the euro countries rose by 12 percent, and imports from there increased by 11 percent. Among the EU countries, exports to Germany increased by 12 percent and to both Denmark and Finland exports increased by 2 percent. Imports from Germany increased by 14 percent, from Denmark by 4 percent and from Finland by 1 percent.

Exports to other European countries decreased by 2 percent, and imports from there fell by 12 percent. Exports to the United Kingdom rose by 3 percent, while imports from there decreased by 18 percent. In the period, imports of crude petroleum oils accounted for the largest decrease from the United Kingdom. Exports to Norway fell by 8 percent, and imports from there decreased by 11 percent. In the period, imports of crude petroleum oils accounted for the largest decrease from Norway. Exports to Russia fell by 33 percent and imports from there by 97 percent. In the period, exports of chemical and rubber products rose by 29 percent while exports within the other product areas were almost nought.

Exports to Asia rose by 10 percent, while imports from there decreased by 9 percent. Exports to China increased by 9 percent, while imports from there fell by 19 percent. In the period, imports of machinery/transport equipment accounted for the largest decrease from China.

Exports to the United States increased by 7 percent, and imports from there by 18 percent. In the period, imports of crude petroleum oils and pharmaceutical products accounted for the largest increase from the United States.

  Exports Imports
  Value (current prices) Value (current prices)
Region January-June Share in % Change in % January-June Share in % Change in %
  2023 2022 2023 2023/2022 2023 2022 2023 2023/2022
Total 1 056 411 985 641 100.0 7 1 035 245 988 762 100.0 5
Europe 775 922 729 545 73.4 6 867 714 822 699 83.8 5
EU27_2020 585 882 535 425 55.5 9 697 902 629 750 67.4 11
EMU-20 448 168 399 896 42.4 12 549 900 493 751 53.1 11
Other European countries 190 040 194 120 18.0 ‑2 169 812 192 949 16.4 ‑12
Africa 18 706 17 025 1.8 10 11 217 8 737 1.1 28
North Africa 8 455 8 348 0.8 1 3 136 2 413 0.3 30
West Africa 2 288 1 907 0.2 20 5 546 4 559 0.5 22
Central, East and Southern Africa 7 963 6 770 0.8 18 2 535 1 764 0.2 44
America 131 365 120 493 12.4 9 49 989 43 354 4.8 15
North America 108 969 100 762 10.3 8 42 174 35 553 4.1 19
Central and South America 22 396 19 732 2.1 14 7 815 7 801 0.8 0
Asia 115 306 104 899 10.9 10 101 311 111 242 9.8 ‑9
Middle- and Near East 18 892 15 616 1.8 21 6 067 2 805 0.6 116
Other countries in Asia 96 414 89 283 9.1 8 95 244 108 436 9.2 ‑12
Oceania and Antarctica 11 012 10 005 1.0 10 4 987 2 717 0.5 84

Exports of passenger cars increased by 38 percent

Exports of machinery and transport equipment increased by 21 percent. Within this product area, passenger cars rose by 38 percent. Exports of mineral fuels and electric current fell by 21 percent. Within the other products area, food/beverages/tobacco increased by 12 percent.

Imports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 13 percent

Imports of machinery and transport equipment increased by 15 percent. Within this product area, passenger cars rose by 35 percent. Imports of mineral fuels and electric current decreased by 15 percent. Within the other products area, imports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 13 percent.

Definitions and explanations

The United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union has led to the replacement of the former EU28 group in the country tables for foreign trade in goods with the EU27_2020 group. This change applies to country tables with data reported as from January 2020. The cutoff point is January 2020, rather than the actual withdrawal month February 2020, since the values in the tables are based on accumulated periods starting from January.

Next publishing will be

2023-11-29 at 08:00.

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Kajsa Krol Brevinge

+46 10 479 45 47

Ari Mansikkaviita

+46 10 479 41 51