Business cycle indicators
Every indicator is shown by one or more graphs. The graphs will be updated continuously when new results become available.
The graphs are hyperlinked to time series that are the basis of the graphs, to other supplementary information and to graphs for printing out (in Excel format).
- Contributions to change in GDP, percentage units (latest quarter)
- Contributions to change in GDP, percentage units
- GDP, percent change from previous quarter
- GDP, percent change same quarter, previous year
- GDP Quarterly 1993–
- Capacity utilisation in industry
- Retail trade, sales
- Inflation rate according to CPI
- Inflation rate according to CPI, CPIX and CPIF
- Producer price index
- Exports, imports och net trade of goods
- Imports by large commodity groups
- Exports to large countries of destination
- Imports from large countries of consignment
- Households' transactions
- Household loans