Panel of students for longitudinal studies, school year 2017/18
Remedial education participation rate unchanged
Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2018-12-11 9.30
The participation rate over time in remedial education in years 7–9 of compulsory school has been 1 out of 10 pupils. In the spring of 2018, this participation rate was just under 10 percent, which is on par with last year.
In the “Panel of students for longitudinal studies” survey, a sample of 10 percent of the pupils in year 3 of compulsory school is followed through years 3–9. In the spring of 2018, panel 8 was surveyed and the majority of the pupils were in year 7.
It was more common for foreign born pupils where neither parent had post-secondary education to participate in “Swedish as second language” classes, compared to pupils who had at least one parent with post-secondary education. Among the pupils where neither parent had post-secondary education, roughly 50 percent participated in “Swedish as sec-ond language” classes in the spring of 2018. Among pupils who had at least one parent who had attained post-secondary education, the corre-sponding rate was 30 percent. This difference is not statistically significant in year 7, although it was in the previous year.
Almost half of the foreign born pupils participated in mother tongue tuition
In year 7, roughly 45 percent of the foreign born pupils participated in mother tongue tuition. About 40 percent of all pupils who attended mother tongue tuition also attended “Swedish as second language” classes. The participation rate was about the same for boys and girls in both “Swedish as second language” and in mother tongue tuition.
Rate of pupils in mixed level groups decreases
The rate of pupils in mixed level groups is below 5 percent in year 7, compared to roughly 10 percent in year 3. This difference is statistically significant. The prevalence of mixed level groups decreased between year 6 and 7, which is a pattern that also was also found in previous panels.
Definitions and explanations
The “Pupil panels for longitudinal studies” survey has been conducted since the early 1980s. A sample of 10 percent of the pupils in year 3 of compulsory school is followed through year 3–9. Most of the pupils were born 10 years before the first follow-up occasion. Comparable surveys have been conducted for pupils who were born in mainly 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1998 and 2004. Follow-up surveys are conducted each spring and data are collected from the schools that the pupils attend at the time of the survey.
In the spring of 2018, panel 8 was surveyed. Panel 8 consists of a sample of 9 800 pupils who attended year 3 in the 2013/2014 school year. Since this is a sample survey, the estimations are marred by a sampling error. In the spring of 2018, the response rate was 69 percent.
Since the samples are drawn in year 3, pupils who moved to Sweden after year 3 are not included; nor are pupils included who sometime during year 3–9 were enrolled in a compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities.
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2019-12-10 at 09:30.
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