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Electricity supply 2024

Summary of supply and use in GWh year 2024, preliminary data in accordance with SNI 2007

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sum
Production within Sweden 17 318 15 699 15 752 13 665 12 986 11 505 11 551 98 476
Water power (incl. pumping power), net 6 565 5 997 6 549 5 452 5 608 4 289 4 411 38 871
Wind power 4 674 3 785 2 761 2 885 2 235 2 319 2 125 20 784
Solar power (on-grid)[1] 41 87 243 373 765 647 604 2 760
Nuclear power (condensation), net 4 615 4 659 4 825 3 811 3 558 3 482 3 639 28 589
Conventional thermal power, net 1 423 1 171 1 374 1 144 820 768 772 7 472
back-pressure, industrial 577 525 629 550 525 595 605 4 006
back-pressure, district heating works[2] 844 646 745 587 290 162 166 3 440
condensation 2 7 5 11 1 26
gas turbine etc.
Import[3] 945 688 667 572 346 461 446 4 125
TOTAL SUPPLY 18 263 16 387 16 419 14 237 13 332 11 966 11 997 102 601
Export [3] 2 957 3 191 3 601 2 806 3 491 2 865 3 215 22 126
Consumption within Sweden 15 306 13 196 12 818 11 431 9 841 9 101 8 782 80 475
Mining, quarrying and manufacturing (NACE 05-33) 4 061 3 891 3 965 3 851 3 811 3 642 3 304 26 525
Electricity, gas, steam and hotwater works, water works (NACE 35 and 36)[4] 479 408 378 331 206 188 179 2 169
Rail and bustransport (NACE 49) 286 257 257 233 216 200 197 1 646
Resedential sector, services etc,[5] 9 363 7 691 7 360 6 306 4 968 4 452 4 516 44 656
Resedential sector, services etc, corrected for temperature[6] 9 042 8 080 7 790 6 242 5 660 4 620 4 588 45 870
Losses 1 116 948 858 709 640 618 586 5 475
grid losses 434 402 357 294 309 308 271 2 375
other losses [7] 682 546 501 415 331 310 315 3 100
TOTAL USE 18 263 16 387 16 419 14 237 13 332 11 966 11 997 102 601

1) On-grid solar power including measured production of electricity supplied to the grid and estimated self-consumption of electricity by the producer, excluding off-grid production.
2) Incl. diesel power stations.
3) Presentation of import and export has been changed in accordance with the statistics of Foreign Trade.
4) Excl. own consumption at power stations.
5) Produced as residue in calculations. Includes estimated self-consumption of electricity by the producer.
6) Values are corrected for effect of deviations of outdoor temperature from "normal temperature" for the period.
7) From January 2019 the data source has changed from estimated to measured values.

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Last updated

Official Statistics of Sweden
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Martina Petersson

+46 10 479 62 05

Fredrik Fagrell

+46 10 479 60 63