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Share of started dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings by tenure, preliminary figures


  2023 2024
  Quarters 1 Quarters 1
  Number of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings Share of rented dwellings Share of tenant-owned dwellings Number of dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings Share of rented dwellings Share of tenant-owned dwellings
Sweden 6 176 68% 31% 6 588 60% 38%
Metropolitan areas 3 084 62% 38% 3 664 45% 55%
Greater Stockholm 1 314 77% 23% 2 438 33% 67%
Greater Göteborg 1 021 39% 61% 734 61% 36%
Greater Malmö 749 66% 34% 492 77% 23%
Sweden excl. metropolitan areas 3 092 75% 24% 2 924 79% 17%
Stockholm county 1 314 77% 23% 2 438 33% 67%
Uppsala county 231 66% 34% 313 25% 75%
Södermanland county 42 7% 93% 39 100% .
Östergötland county 132 100% . 361 100% .
Jönköping county 150 100% . . . .
Kronoberg county 198 77% 23% 6 100% .
Kalmar county 75 100% . 27 . 100%
Gotland county . . . 112 100% .
Blekinge county . . . . . .
Skåne county 1 053 70% 29% 618 61% 39%
Halland county 347 67% 33% 49 41% 18%
Västra Götaland county 1 244 57% 43% 842 60% 40%
Värmland county 390 54% 46% . . .
Örebro county 104 53% 47% 13 31% 69%
Västmanland county 197 50% 50% 46 100% .
Dalarna county 131 77% 23% 269 94% 6%
Gävleborg county 19 100% . 176 100% .
Västernorrland county 56 100% . . . .
Jämtland county 36 11% 89% 11 . 100%
Västerbotten county 256 52% 48% 143 16% .
Norrbotten county 201 100% . 1 125 100% .


These figures are preliminary and will be revised. The information on tenure may also change. The tables about the number of dwellings may include a limited number of owner-occupied dwellings.

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Statistics Sweden

Karin Corr

+46 10-479 43 99