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Labour market
Surveys by statistics areas
Disabled persons
The labour market situation for people with disabilities
The survey shows the labour market situation for persons with disabilities. The results of the survey are mainly based on persons who have a disability or disabilities that impair their capacity to work, and comparisons are made with the population.
Labour force demand
Aggregate gross pay, payroll taxes and prel. tax statistics from employers monthly tax returns
The statistics show the development of aggregate gross wages, employer's contributions, and preliminary income tax. The statistics are published every quarter and are based on employers' tax returns from companies. Statistics are available broken down by sector and industry.
The statistics show levels and changes in the employment as well as sick leave during a sick pay period. The statistics are used for forecasts, analyzes and decision-making.
Job openings and recruitment needs
Statistics Sweden and the Swedish Public Employment Service are currently developing a new survey which will replace the surveys Job openings and unmet labour demand, Labour market tendency survey and the Labour market outlook survey. The new survey, Job openings and recruitment needs, will report statistics on job openings, recruitment problems and skills needs, the latter for a selection of occupations.
Job openings and unmet labour demand
The statistics are based on a sample survey of companies and provide information on the demand for unutilised labour and job openings, broken down by industry, region and size category. The reported variables are the number of job openings, the number of vacancies, recruitment levels and vacancy rates.
Short term business statistics on sick pay
The statistics illustrate sick leave during a sick pay period. The sick pay period is the time when the employer pays sick pay to an employee who is not at work because of illness. The statistics present a picture of the overall development of sick leave.
The statistics show how the number of employees is changing across the total labour market. The statistics are reported broken down by detailed industry level and county. There is also data available on personnel turnover and sick leave.
Labour force supply
Gross pay based on administrative sources
The statistics show aggregate gross wages, preliminary income tax, and which social benefits have been paid. The data is based on both monthly PAYE tax return per employee, which are summed annually and annual income statement and can be produced by region, sector and industry.
The statistics describe labour market developments for the Swedish population aged 15–74. The LFS shows the number and percentage of employed and unemployed persons respectively, per month, quarter and year. It is the only source of continuous data on total unemployment and represents the official unemployment rate.
Labour Force Surveys (LFS), previous definitions
In Januari 2021, the LFS was adapted to the EU regulation (2019/1700) for social statistics, which has caused time series breaks. The Labour Force Surveys, previous definitions refer to calculations before the adjustment.
Labour statistics based on administrative sources
The statistics show employment, commuting, the composition of personnel and the industrial structure. They also show events and flows in the labour market. The statistics are complete and can be broken down to a low regional level or based on the employees' characteristics, for example, sex, education and age.
Population by Labour market status
Population by Labour market status (BAS) is a statistical product that, using administrative data, describes the labour force supply in Sweden. The purpose is to depict the state of the labour market and its development over time. The statistics include, among other things, the number of employed, unemployed, and people outside the labour force for the registered population aged 15–74 years.
The Swedish Occupational Register with statistics
Starting with the 2014 survey, occupations are reported according to the Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations (SSYK 2012). It reflects today's occupational structure better than the previous occupational classification (SSYK 96). The base for SSYK 2012 is the international classification (ISCO-08). Comparison with previous years reported according to SSYK96 is not possible.
Occupational injuries
Occupational accidents and work-related diseases
Statistical agency: Swedish Work Environment Authority
The statistics are based on the work injury reports submitted to the Swedish Social Insurance Agency. An occupational injury report provides details about the injured person and the employer as well as the extent of the injury and its causes.
Focus on Business and Labour Market
The publication contains various commentaries and analytical articles focusing on business and the labour market.
Regional matching indicators is a database with statistics on skills demand and supply by region.
Wages, salaries and labour costs
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The LCI shows the development of the total labour cost per hour quarterly for manual workers and non-manual workers in the private sector. The labour cost includes salary, variable salary increments, benefits, sick pay and employer contributions and bonuses. The LCI published on the Eurostat website is without distinction between manual workers and non-manual workers, includes both private and public sectors and includes bonus. Se link under More information.
Labour cost index for wage earners and salaried employees in the private sector (AKI)
The AKI measures and describes the development of total labour costs for wage earners and salaried employees in various industries in the private sector monthly. The indices are used to make price adjustments in accordance with agreements between companies, to assess the national economic position, and to index contracts.
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The LCS measures labour costs per hour worked, and how much of the total labour costs consist of direct costs (salary and bonus) and indirect costs (social security contributions), respectively. The survey is carried out in the European Union every four years.
Salary structures, whole economy
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The salary structure statistics for the entire economy are designed to annually provide comprehensive and comparable statistics on the salary structure of the entire labour market.
Short-term statistics, salaries in the regional authorities (KLR)
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show the monthly development of salary levels, the average salary, hours worked and the number of employees in the regional authorities. The survey is a total population survey. The corresponding salary statistics are also available for the private and central government sectors as well as the municipalities.
Short-term statistics, salaries, governmental sector (KLS)
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show the monthly development of salaries in the central government sector. The corresponding salary statistics are also available for the private sector and municipalities and regional authorities .
Short-term statistics, salaries, in the municipalities (KLK)
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show the monthly development of salary levels, the average salary, hours worked and the number of employees in the municipal authorities. The survey is a total population survey. The corresponding salary statistics are also available for the private and central government sectors as well as the regional authorities.
Short-term statistics, wages and salaries, private sector (KLP)
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show the monthly development of wage and salary levels, the average monthly salary for salaried employees and average hourly wages for workers, and the number of employees in the private sector. The survey is a sample survey. The corresponding salary statistics are also available for the central government, municipal and county council sectors.
Wage and salary structures and employment in the central government sector
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show salary levels, salary structure, salary trend and employment in the municipal sector by sex, age, region, occupation, education and the extent of the work involved. The corresponding salary statistics are also reported for the county council, municipal and private sectors.
Wage and salary structures and employment in the municipalities
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show salary levels, salary structure, salary trend and employment in the municipalities by sex, age, region, industry, occupation, education and the extent of the work involved. The corresponding salary statistics are also reported for the central government, regions and private sectors.
Wage and salary structures in the private sector (SLP)
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show wage and salary levels, structure and trends in the private sector. The statistics are reported by sex, age, region, industry, occupation and education broken down by wage-earners and salaried employees. The corresponding salary statistics are also reported for the public sector.
Wage and salary structures in the regions
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
The statistics show salary levels, salary structure, salary trend and employment in the regions by sex, age, region, industry, occupation, education as well as the extent of the work involved. The corresponding salary statistics are also available for the central government, municipal and private sectors.
Wages and salaries in the private and public sector
Statistical agency: Swedish National Mediation Office
These statistics are no longer updated. The publication of Short-term (business) statistics, wages and salaries in the private and public sectors (AM47), which has been a compilation of wage and salary statistics for the private and public sectors, ceased at year-end 2008.
Work environment
Statistical agency: Swedish Work Environment Authority
The statistics show the physical and psychosocial work environment conditions and how they have changed over time. The results are reported by occupation, industry, socio-economic classification, age and sex. The survey is a supplementary survey to the Labour Force Survey (LFS).
Statistical agency: Swedish Work Environment Authority
The statistics show disorders that persons associate with their work, the location of the disorders in the body, and what in the work process that may have caused them. The survey is a supplementary survey to the Labour Force Survey (LFS).