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Average monthly salary, governmental sector

Monthly paid employees by authority, April 2024

Authority Females Males Total Changes from April 2023
Total 43 070 45 240 44 090 3.8
Government Activities 43 060 45 240 44 090 3.8
Civil Service 43 160 46 090 44 430 4.2
Police Authorities 40 160 43 980 42 210 2.8
National Courts Administration 44 990 51 810 47 080 3.1
Treatment Of Offenders 36 330 36 580 36 460 6.5[1]
Swedish Immigration Board 38 930 40 250 39 460 6.1
The Insurance Office 38 330 42 520 39 460 5.3
The National Taxation Board 41 260 45 350 42 710 4.0
The Administrative Boards 43 950 44 610 44 180 4.8
Swedish Enforcement Authority 38 930 41 170 39 690 6.5
Board Of Customs 41 970 42 860 42 410 2.5
University And University College 44 600 48 770 46 460 3.8
Swedish Employment Service 40 330 42 720 41 170 5.6
National Board Of Forestry 42 490 42 940 42 730 5.1
The Swedish University Of Agricultural Sciences 42 540 45 830 43 940 4.6
Swedish Transport Administration 47 400 49 500 48 600 4.3
Other Authorities 47 380 49 660 48 260 4.4
Defence Organization 40 830 41 550 41 360 1.0
Other State-Subsidized Activities 46 830 49 810 48 150 2.7

1) The percentage change is affected by structural changes.

Definitions and explanations

Part-time salaries are recalculated to full-time salaries in the account.

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Last updated

Official Statistics of Sweden
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