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Number of employees by authority, governmental sector

April 2024

Authority Females Males Total
  Full-time Part-time Full-time Part-time  
Total 122 436 25 049 113 107 16 903 277 495
Government activities 122 375 24 994 113 054 16 867 277 290
Civil Service 113 968 24 397 90 351 15 567 244 283
Ministry of Justice 31 970 4 050 31 112 2 729 69 861
Police authorities 15 610 1 926 18 654 1 269 37 459
National Courts Administration 4 273 456 1 980 92 6 801
Treatment of Offenders 7 182 1 171 7 459 1 083 16 895
Swedish Immigration Board 2 848 311 1 980 163 5 302
Ministry for Foreign Affairs .. .. .. .. 2 150
Ministy of Defence .. .. .. .. 219
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs 13 060 2 462 6 382 1 439 23 343
The Insurance Office 7 531 1 278 2 971 240 12 020
Ministry of Finance 15 519 2 082 10 517 704 28 822
The National Taxation Board 5 507 675 3 150 190 9 522
The Administrative Boards 3 447 801 1 997 258 6 503
Swedish Enforcement Authority 1 234 132 656 31 2 053
Board of Customs 1 172 96 1 183 43 2 494
Ministry of Education and Research 30 873 12 403 24 611 8 997 76 884
University and university college 27 487 11 898 23 052 8 821 71 258
Minstry of Culture 1 356 451 945 204 2 956
Minstry of Employment 6 679 775 3 716 167 11 337
Swedish Employment Service 5 804 722 3 268 148 9 942
Ministry of Climate and Enterprise 2 986 304 2 167 186 5 643
Minstry of Rural Affairs and Infrastructure 10 090 1 772 10 097 1 109 23 068
National Board of Forestry 280 53 326 58 717
The Swedish University of Agricultural sciences 1 692 456 1 281 297 3 726
Swedish Transport Administration 4 140 461 5 682 493 10 776
Defence Organization 7 795 553 22 277 1 274 31 899
The Parliament Agencies 612 44 426 26 1 108
Other State-Subsidized Activities 61 55 53 36 205

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Official Statistics of Sweden
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