Swedish economy – statistical perspective, no 5 2024
The economy doesn’t lift
The weak trend for the Swedish economy continues. Even though some indicators rose in March the economy as a whole didn’t. Forward-looking indicators shows optimism for an upturn in the near future. Further information can be found in Statistics Sweden’s periodical, “Sveriges ekonomi – statistiskt perspektiv” (in Swedish).
New datasource increases the labour input in the national accounts
Together with the publishing of “Sveriges ekonomi – statistiskt perspektiv no 5 2024” new time series for the labour input in the national accounts are published. This is due to a change in the calculations to the new datasource “Population by Labour market status”.
Updated tables in the Statistical database:
Labour input (ESA2010) by industrial classifcation SNI 2007. Quarter 1980K1 - 2023K4. PxWeb (scb.se)
Labour input (ESA2010) by industrial classification SNI 2007. Year 1980 - 2022. PxWeb (scb.se)
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.