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Software available to users in MONA

The main concept for MONA (Microdata Online access) is that through a secure internet connection, a user gets access to a Windows desktop on a Statistics Sweden server. Here is a list of currently available software in the MONA system.

The MONA system is based on communication between a terminal server and a terminal client. Data is primarily stored in SQL databases, making data available from most other software without any transformations.

Desktops are customised according to user requirements for software usage.

Basic software

Software (description)

  • Libre Office (Open source office suite, Base, Calc, Math, Writer)
  • Notepad ++ (Code editor)
  • IrfanView (Graphic viewer)

Statistical software 

Software (description)

  • GIT (Version control system)
  • IDLE - Python (Integrated development environment for Python.)
  • MPlus (Program for statistical modeling.)
  • QGis (Open source GIS-program)
  • R (Programming language and software environment for statistical computing.)
  • R-Studio (A more comprehensive user interface for R.)
  • SAS (Available modules: SAS/STAT, SAS/GRAPH, SAS/IML, SAS/ACCESS)
  • SAS Enterprise Guide (A point-and-click, menu- and wizard-driven tool.)
  • SAS IML Studio (User interface for SAS matrices (IML))
  • SPSS (Available modules: Statistics BASE, Advanced statistics, Custom tables, Regression, AMOS)
  • Spyder (An interactive Python development environment providing MATLAB-like features.)
  • STATA (Statistical Analysis Software)
  • SuperCross (Programming free tabulation software)

Support software

Software (description)

  • BatchClient (Program for using the batch environment)
  • Data Sources (ODBC) (Program for creating data sources from SQL databases)
  • Management Studio (Program for SQL Server)
  • StatTransfer (Tool for converting files and data)

Additional word processors and code editors

Software (description)

  • TeXworks  (Text editor)
  • Texmaker (Text editor)


MONA support

+46 10-479 64 20
09:00–11:30, 12:30–15:00