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Keywords with short texts (20 chars)

A number of keywords take texts that can be up to 20 characters.


Version number for PC-AXIS. Is read and saved but otherwise not used.


CHARSET="ANSI"; indicates that the texts in the file are written in Windows format. If the keyword is missing it means that the texts in the file are in DOS format. They will be translated by PC-Axis to Windows. This keyword must appear in the beginning of the file before any texts that can include characters outside A-Z, 0-9.
All files used in PX-Web must have CHARSET="ANSI".


Is used to save the right code page in XML format. Default iso-8859-1. Max 20 chars.


Possibility to do some manipulation with the data in the data part of the file. Is only suitable if the user cannot download the total file since the data can be read in any editor. Max 20 chars. For the moment only code "1" can be used as there is only one method for manipulation.


This if used to indicate how a stored "." is to be presented in a table.


This if used to indicate how a stored ".." is to be presented in a table.


This if used to indicate how a stored "..." is to be presented in a table.


This if used to indicate how a stored "...." is to be presented in a table.


This if used to indicate how a stored "....." is to be presented in a table.


This if used to indicate how a stored "......" is to be presented in a table.


This if used to indicate how a sum of differing numbers of dots will be shown. The sum is stored as "…….".


This is used to indicate how a stored "-" is to be presented in a table. The – indicates that the figure is absolutely nil.


This keyword needs information for which value for each variable it applies and the symbol is presented together with the figure. CODES are used in the parenteses to indicate the right value. * means all values for the variable. Example: DATANOTECELL("*", "20", "*", "BE0101F2", "*")="Ae";


This keyword gives information which symbol is presented together with the figure after a sum has been made consisting of differing datanote symbols.


The name of the matrix. Is suggested as file name when the file is fetched. (Max 8 characters in older versions of PC-Axis).


Subject area code. Needed for backward compatibility. (Max 5 characters in older versions of PC-Axis).