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PxWeb is used for publishing statistics in a data base at the web and is since 1 January 2016 free of charge for government agencies and municipalities, international NSI:s and international organisations of statistics.

PxWeb 2025 v1

PxWeb 2025v1 was released February 2025. Demosite

News in PxWeb2025v1 (pdf)

Tip when upgrading PxWeb

  1. Unpack the zip-file for PxWeb 
  2. Copy the database catalogue and settings.config from the current version
  3. Copy the current PxWeb catalogue as back-up
  4. Copy in the new version
  5. Start the admin-interface and regenerate the table of contents for the database.
  6. Press save in the admin interface to update with the latest settings.nställningarna.

Terms of use for PxWeb

The receiving authority / organisation is responsible for handling the application with the help of the documentation delivered together with the application. Access to PxWeb does not include ongoing support, any promises of further development or any guarantee against errors in the program. Any use is at the user’s own risk.

Adaptation to the recipient’s IT environment or support regarding major technical problems is not normally offered. Some consultation services may be agreed on in specific cases and are handled as a commission.

Apply for access by sending an e-mail to

PxWeb as open source  Github: (external)