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Structural Business Statistics, spring survey

The Structural Business Statistics survey describes the economic development for Swedish enterprises by industry and region. The results are used to calculate enterprises' contribution to GDP (gross domestic product).

Structural business statistics includes all non-financial enterprises. The survey is conducted annually and is based on tax declarations and annual accounts.


To make it easier for you to submit information, we provide you with instructions how to fill in the web form. Read through the instructions before you begin, and it will be easier for you to provide the information.

Instructions (pdf)

Information about the survey (pdf)

Time plan

In the beginning of May all selected enterprises will receive a user ID and password through the postal service.
Please reply no later than 31 May 2024.

Your response

The obligation to provide information for this survey is mandatory according to the Official Statistics Act (2001:99). The statistics are also regulated according to the Official Statistics Ordinance (2001:100) and Statistics Sweden's regulations (SCB-FS 2024:11). The information you submit is protected according to Chapter 24 Section 8 of the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act (2009:400). When the information is published, no single enterprise will be able to be identified. Consultation has taken place with The Board of Swedish Industry and Commerce for Better Regulation (NNR).

Contact us

+46 10 479 60 65
Opening hours:
Weekdays: 09:00–16:00
Closed for lunch: 12.00–13.00

+46 10 479 60 65

Simple URL: