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Electricity generation by type of production 2024

Electricity generation by type of production in GWh 2024, preliminary data.

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sum
Total production net 17 318 15 699 15 752 13 665 12 986 75 420
Conventional thermal power, net, non-renewable [1] 223 77 145 132 124 701
Conventional thermal power, net, renewable [2] 1 200 1 094 1 229 1 012 696 5 231
Wind power 4 674 3 785 2 761 2 885 2 235 16 340
Water power (incl. pumping power), net 6 565 5 997 6 549 5 452 5 608 30 171
Solar power (on-grid) [3] 41 87 243 373 765 1 509
Nuclear power (condensation), net 4 615 4 659 4 825 3 811 3 558 21 468

1) Non-renewable waste, coal, natural gas, oil and other less common non-renewable fuels
2) Renewable waste, solid biofuels, biogas, peat and other less common renewable fuels.
3) On-grid solar power including measured production of electricity supplied to the grid and estimated self-consumption of electricity by the producer, excluding off-grid production

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Martina Petersson

+46 10 479 62 05

Fredrik Fagrell

+46 10 479 60 63