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Deliveries of liquid biofuels 2016, quarterly

The table shows deliveries of liquid biofuels in m3

 1st quarter2nd quarterFirst half-year3rd quarter4th quarterSecond half-yearTotal
Diesel fuel containing biodiesel[1][r]
1 160 586 1 306 006 2 466 592 1 276 404 1 268 863 2 545 267 5 011 859
of which low blend FAME
59 622 69 137 128 759 67 616 66 423 134 039 262 798
of which low blend HVO[r]
222 947 249 812 472 759 229 649 241 397 471 046 943 805
Pure biodiesel (100 %) FAME
18 532 17 818 36 350 20 732 21 323 42 055 78 405
Pure biodiesel (100 %) HVO[r]
45 618 57 320 102 938 66 320 90 541 156 861 259 799
Petrol containing bio components[2][r]
724 068 836 565 1 560 633 866 288 729 937 1 596 225 3 156 858
of which bio components[2][r]
35 962 41 627 77 589 43 437 36 188 79 625 157 214
Pure ethanol (100%) (inkl. E85 and ED95)[r]
10 530 17 263 27 794 16 088 13 878 29 966 57 760

1) Biodiesel includes FAME (Fatty acid methyl ester) and HVO (hydrogenated vegetable oil)

2) Bio components include ethanol and ETBE (Ethyl tert-butyl ether)

r) Revised value

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