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Capital investments 3rd quarter 2022

Insurance companies’ capital investments


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden and Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority 2022-11-30 8.00


In the third quarter of 2022, the market value of insurance companies’ investment assets fell to SEK 6 095 billion. This can be compared with SEK 6 098 billion at the end of the previous quarter, and SEK 6 403 billion at the end of the third quarter of 2021.

The quarter in brief

  • Holdings in shares and participations decreased during the quarter from SEK 4 197 billion to SEK 4 175 billion, which is a decrease by 0,5 percent. As a comparison the market value of equity funds decreased by 1,6 percent for the same quarter[1].
  • Holdings in bonds decreased from SEK 1 349 billion to SEK 1 324 billion, a decrease by 2 percent.

Life insurance companies

  • Life insurance companies’ investment assets amounted to SEK 5 440 billion at the end of the third quarter, down by SEK 2 billion compared with the previous quarter.
  • Net transactions in capital investments amounted to SEK 29 billion during the quarter.

Non-life insurance companies

  • Non-life insurance companies’ investment assets amounted to SEK 655 billion at the end of the third quarter, unchanged compared with the previous quarter.
  • Net investments by these companies amounted to SEK 655 million in the quarter.

1) Statistics Sweden: Investment funds, assets and liabilities.

Insurance companies’ investment assets
Swedish insurance companies, capital investments

Next publishing will be

2023-03-01 at 8:00.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority

Box 7821
103 97 Stockholm


Tina Hansson

+46 10 479 58 15

Nils-Henrik Jansson

+46 10 479 41 15