Households' housing 2014:
Half the population lives in one- or two-dwelling buildings
Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2015-05-07 9.30
Half of Sweden's population lives in a tenant-owned one- or two dwelling building, which is the most common type of housing. Rented dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings comprise the next most common type of housing. 25 percent of the population live in these rented dwellings, while 16 percent live in tenant-owned apartments in multi-dwelling buildings.
The type of housing we live in varies with age and life situation. Most people under age 20 live in one- or two-dwelling buildings. During the first five years of life, many children move from multi-dwelling buildings to one- or two-dwelling buildings.
Rented dwellings are the most common type of housing for people aged 20 to 30. Many people aged 20 to 30 move from their parents to their own housing in multi-dwelling buildings. From the age of 30 it is most common to live in a one- or two-dwelling building.
Other housing is relatively high for persons aged 20–30 as well as those over age 70. This is because student housing and special housing for elderly people are included in other housing.
Persons with foreign background live in rented dwellings to a greater extent
A comparison in type of housing for persons with foreign background and Swedish background shows there are differences. Among persons with Swedish background, 56 percent live in owner-occupied one- or two-dwelling buildings, while the corresponding figure is 30 percent for persons with foreign background. The pattern for different age groups is about the same for persons with foreign background and Swedish background respectively, with a reduced percentage living is owner-occupied one- or two-dwelling buildings between age 20–30 and the higher ages.
The most common type of housing for persons with foreign background is a rented dwelling in multi-dwelling buildings, 45 percent.
The pattern of age between those with Swedish background and those with foreign background differs concerning housing in rented dwellings in multi-dwelling buildings. For persons with Swedish background, there is a clear increase in the percentage between ages 20–30, while the percentage of persons with foreign background who live in rented dwellings decreases constantly with rising age.
Definitions and explanations
The statistics are based on the Total Population Register and information on dwellings in the Dwellings Register.
One- or two-dwelling building refers to detached one-or two-dwelling buildings as well as semi-detached houses, terraced houses and link attached houses.
Multi-dwelling building refers to residential buildings with three or more apartments including housing with balcony access.
One- or two-dwelling buildings with ownership rights refer to dwellings owned by natural persons or estates of deceased persons.
Multi-dwelling buildings with owner-occupied apartments refer to dwellings that are owned by tenant-owner associations. Owner-occupied apartments also include persons who rent their apartment from the tenant-owners' association or rent from the owner of the apartment.
Multi-dwelling buildings and other buildings that are rented dwellings refer to dwellings that are not condominiums and are owned by other owners than tenant-owner associations.
Foreign background: Person who is foreign born or native born with two foreign born parents. A person with Swedish background is Swedish born with at least one Swedish born parent.
Information about type of housing is missing for some 270 000 persons. These persons are included in the Other housing group.
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.