Integration – establishment of foreign born persons in working life and in society:
Age upon immigration has great significance on school results
The percentage of foreign born persons eligible for upper secondary school who immigrated before starting school is close to that of Swedish born persons. The corresponding percentage for those who immigrated as teenagers who were eligible was considerably lower. These are some of the findings described in a report that Statistics Sweden has produced in an assignment from the government.
During the period 2011-2015, roughly 90 percent of all Swedish born persons were eligible for upper secondary school. The percentage was the same for pupils born in the Nordic countries who immigrated before age 7, while the corresponding percentage for those born in the rest of Europe and outside of Europe was roughly 85 percent.
The percentage of those eligible who had immigrated after reaching school age is lower, particularly for those pupils who had immigrated at age 13 or older. Differences were also greater for those born in different regions who immigrated during their teen years. In this group, slightly less than seven out of ten pupils who were born in the Nordic countries, slightly more than four out of ten pupils who were born in the rest of Europe and slightly more than two out of ten pupils born outside of Europe were eligible for upper secondary school.
The educational level of parents is also significant. The percentage that is eligible is higher for pupils who have parents with post secondary education and lower for those with parents who only have compulsory education. Some of the differences between the different groups of foreign born persons can be explained by the differences in educational levels of the parents.
In addition, the percentage who have leaving certificates from upper secondary school and the percentage who are eligible for higher education show clear differences depending on age upon immigration and educational levels of the parents.
New report on behalf of the government
Statistics Sweden has been assigned by the government to produce the report Integration – establishment of foreign born persons in working life and in society. The report describes the demography, school results, gainful employment, income and mobility between different types of housing areas for foreign born persons. In addition, gainful employment and income for persons who are included in the introduction assignment are described.
Read more in the report Integration – establishment of foreign born persons in working life and in society.
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.