Government Budget Appropriations or Outlays for Research and Experimental Development 2014:
Increased R&D funds to higher education
Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2014-04-09 9.30
nextStatistics Sweden’s forecast for R&D funds in the government budget shows that appropriations for R&D will increase by SEK 850 million in 2014 compared to 2013, at the price level of 2014. In total, R&D funds amount to SEK 32.9 billion in 2014.
A few large recipients
R&D appropriations are concentrated to a few large recipients. The largest group consists of higher education institutes which in total receive R&D appropriations at a sum of SEK 16.4 billion. This represents 50 percent of the total R&D in the government budget. The Swedish Research Council is the largest civil recipient of R&D appropriations, receiving SEK 5.8 billion or 18 percent of the total R&D appropriations. The various defence authorities receive almost SEK 1.3 billion, or nearly 4 percent of the total R&D appropriations.
Most funding for general advancement of knowledge
The R&D funding is divided up in terms of the objectives of the R&D. The objective for general advancement of knowledge receives the absolute largest part of the appropriations, about SEK 23.7 billion or 72 percent of the R&D funds in the government budget. The largest recipients of these R&D funds are the higher education institutes and the Swedish Research Council.
The objective is divided into seven sub-categories of which medicine together with mathematics and natural sciences receive more than half of the R&D funds directed towards general advancement of knowledge. Technology, agricultural sciences, social sciences, humanities and cross-disciplinary sciences make the list complete.
Definitions and explanations
Research is systematic work to find new knowledge or ideas with or without the aim of a particular purpose.
Development work is a systematic work that uses research results, scientific knowledge or new ideas to bring about new material, goods, services, processes, systems, methods or significant improvements of those that already exist.
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.