Research and Development in Sweden 2022 - preliminary statistics
Increased R&D activity in Sweden in 2022
In 2022, intramural R&D expenditure in Sweden amounted to SEK 202.8 billion. This was an increase by about SEK 16.2 billion compared to 2021 in current prices. In fixed prices, the increase is smaller, amounting to about SEK 5.6 billion.
Expenditure for intramural R&D increased in all sectors compared to 2021 in current prices. In relative terms, the Government sector saw the smallest increase by 4.0 percent, followed by the Higher education sector at 4.2 percent and the private non-profit sector at 5.6 percent. The Business enterprise sector stood for the sharpest increase as their intramural R&D expenditure increased by 10.4 percent between 2021 and 2022.
The R&D intensity in Sweden was unchanged between 2021 and 2022, at 3.40 percent of GDP. Over the last ten years, the R&D intensity has only been higher in 2020. During a majority of this last decade, R&D expenditure has increased more rapidly than GDP, which has led to an increase of the R&D intensity by 0.14 percentage points since 2013.
More about research and development (R&D) in 2022 is presented in the report Forskning och utveckling i Sverige 2022 – Preliminär statistik. In the report, statistics concerning R&D personnel by sector is also presented.
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.