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ICT usage in enterprises, 2017:

Recruitment of IT specialists increased the most in the energy and waste-disposal industry


Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2017-11-29 9.30


The percentage of enterprises that have recruited or have tried to recruit IT specialists have been more or less constant since 2013. There is one exception namely the energy and waste-disposal industry. In 2013 the share was 12 percent and in 2016 the share was 22 percent.

Recruitment of IT specialists

About 10 percent of all enterprises with 10 employees or more have recruited or have tried to recruit IT specialists during 2016.

If you consider the enterprises by size by number of employees you will get this image:

  • For enterprises with more than 250 employees the share was about 46 percent
  • For enterprises with 50-249 employees the share was about 22 percent
  • For enterprises med 10-49 employees the share was about 6 percent

Statistics Sweden has collected these data annually since 2013. We can see that the levels were fairly constant for these groups and years.

The statistics is also published by industry. Looking at industry it is mainly enterprises in the information and communication industry that have recruited or have tried to recruit IT specialists, about 60 percent. On second place is energy and waste-disposal industry, with 22 percent. For other industries the share was usually less than 10 percent.

The shares were relatively constant since 2013 with an exception namely the energy and waste-disposal industry. In 2013 the share was 12 percent and in 2016 the was 22 percent for this industry.

Vacancies for IT specialists that were difficult to fill

It is mainly large enterprises who had problems to fill vacancies for IT specialists. Among enterprises with 250 employees or more the share was 26 percent compared to 4 percent for enterprises with 10-49 employees.

If you look at all the enterprises instead, you get about 5 percent who had vacancies for IT specialists that were difficult to fill.

These data were also collected annually since 2013. We can also see here that the levels were fairly constant for these groups and years with an exception. In the information and communication industry the share was 32 percent in 2013 compared to 43 percent in 2016.

Recruit or try to recruit IT specialists and vacancies for IT specialists that were difficult to fill. Percentage by size and industry. Year 2016

International comparisons

For international comparisons, please refer to Eurostat:

Eurostat - Digital economy and society statistics - enterprises

Definitions and explanations

The results presented here are from the survey ICT usage in enterprises in 2017. The results from the survey highlight the availability and use of information and communication technologies. The survey also highlights various themes such as e-commerce, internet use, social media and IT and the environment.

The results are presented in tables in the Statistical Database (only available in Swedish) and in diagrams on

The statistics has been published annually since 2001 and during the first seven years the data collection was directed to enterprises with more than 10 employees. Since 2008 a separate simplified survey is directed to enterprises with 0 to 9 employees in Sweden.

The survey is part of Sweden's official statistics and is common to EU Member States (for enterprises with more than 10 employees).

Next publishing will be

2018-11-29 09.30.

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency and producer

Statistics Sweden, Innovation, Business sector production and Research section



Barbara Narfström

+46 10 479 48 58

Björn Forssell

+46 10 479 43 82