New AI-report
New AI-report
Between 2019 and 2021, AI-use increased in both business enterprises, with 1.1 percentage points, and in the government sector, with 4.1 percentage points. In both sectors, middle size units have seen the biggest increase in AI-use. Still, large business enterprises and government units were the most frequent AI-users.
Statistics Sweden has conducted surveys on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Sweden twice. Questions have been included in several surveys in order to measure AI-use, expenditure on AI-based software or hardware as well as research on AI. This report focuses on the uptake of AI technologies in the business enterprise sector and the government sector during 2019 and 2021.
In both the business enterprise sector and the government sector, the general uptake of AI can be described as the share of units in the population that have used AI during the reference period. During 2019, about 5.4 percent of enterprises used some form of AI. Using AI was most common among large enterprises where the share amounted to around 29.7 percent. In 2021, the share of enterprises using AI had increased by about 1.1 percentage points to a total of 6.5 percent. The largest increase was seen among middles size enterprises where the share increased from about 9.1 percent in 2019 to 13.5 percent two years later. In the government sector, the share of units using AI during 2019 was about 22.5 percent. In 2021, the share had increase by about 4.1 percentage points to a total of 26.6 percent.
Comparability between the sectors is limited. This is partly due to differences in the formulation of the questions between the sectors in 2021, partly because of structural differences between the populations.
Note: For Gothenburg and Malmö municipality, each city administration responded individually. Data on number of employees are not available for the city administrations, which are therefore excluded from the breakdown by size class. They are, however, included in the total for the government sector.
Read more about in the report: AI-use in business enterprises and the government sector (pdf)
Further information can be found on the website for AI on
Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.