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Exports and imports of goods, May 2024, in current prices and in constant prices

Weak rise for exports of goods in May

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-07-26 8.00

In May 2024, exports of goods increased by 4 percent in value and by 1 percent in volume compared with the same period a year ago. At the same time, imports of goods decreased by 1 percent in value and by 4 percent in volume.

– Imports of passenger cars decreased both in terms of value and volume, compared with last year and last month, says Elin Bäckström, statistician at Statistics Sweden

Compared with the previous month, Swedish exports of goods increased by 3 percent in value and by 1 percent in volume. At the same time, Swedish imports of goods increased by 1 percent in value while they decreased by 1 percent in volume. The number of weekdays in May 2024 was the same as in April 2024.

Detailed information about May 2024 (in current prices and in constant prices)

Exports of non-ferrous metals increased by 71 percent in value and by 46 percent in volume
  Value index (2015=100) Value (current prices) Value (current prices) Volume index (2015=100) Volume (value in constant prices) Volume (value in constant prices)
    Change in % Change in %   Change in % Change in %
Commodity group according to SITC May 2024 May 2024/May 2023 May 2024/April 2024 May 2024 May 2024/May 2023 May 2024/April 2024
Total 190 4 3 131 1 1
Wood and paper products 159 5 1 115 8 ‑2
Minerals 228 14 16 121 9 9
Chemicals, rubber products 216 7 2 176 2 ‑1
Mineral fuels, electric current 196 7 ‑13 110 1 ‑8
Machinery, transport equipment 188 2 4 140 ‑2 3
Other products 167 1 1 102 ‑3 ‑1

Exports of minerals increased by 14 percent in value and by 9 percent in volume compared with the same period last year. Within this product area, exports of non-ferrous metals increased by 71 percent in value and by 46 percent in volume.

Exports of mineral fuels/electric current increased by 7 percent in value and by 1 percent in volume compared with the same period last year. Within this product area, exports of petroleum products increased by 22 percent in value and by 13 percent in volume. Compared with the previous month, exports of petroleum products decreased by 11 percent in value and by 9 percent in volume.

Within the product area, other products, exports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 5 percent in value while they decreased by 1 percent in volume. Compared with the previous month, exports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 4 percent in value and by 3 percent in volume.

Imports of passenger cars decreased by 28 percent in value and by 29 percent in volume
  Value index (2015=100) Value (current prices) Value (current prices) Volume index (2015=100) Volume (value in constant prices) Volume (value in constant prices)
    Change in % Change in %   Change in % Change in %
Commodity group according to SITC May 2024 May 2024/May 2023 May 2024/April 2024 May 2024 May 2024/May 2023 May 2024/April 2024
Total 182 ‑1 1 125 ‑4 ‑1
Wood and paper products 185 6 4 114 6 1
Minerals 224 6 1 123 5 ‑3
Chemicals, rubber products 182 3 0 127 1 ‑3
Mineral fuels, electric current 208 0 5 101 ‑4 7
Machinery, transport equipment 180 ‑5 0 140 ‑8 ‑2
Other products 161 1 3 109 ‑2 1

Imports of wood and paper products increased by 6 percent in both value and volume compared with the same period last year. Compared with the previous month, imports of wood and paper products increased by 4 percent in value and by 1 percent in volume.

Imports of chemicals/rubber products increased by 3 percent in value and by 1 percent in volume compared with the same period last year. Within this product area, imports of pharmaceuticals products increased by 19 percent in both value and volume. Compared with the previous month, imports of pharmaceuticals products increased by 12 percent in value and by 13 percent in volume.

Within the product area, other products, imports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 5 percent in value and by 2 percent in volume. Compared with the previous month, imports of food/beverages/tobacco increased by 8 percent in value and by 7 percent in volume.

Imports of machinery/transport equipment decreased by 5 percent in value and by 8 percent in volume compared with the same period last year. Within this product area, imports of passenger cars decreased by 28 percent in value and by 29 percent in volume. Compared with the previous month, imports of passenger cars decreased by 4 percent in value and by 5 percent in volume.


Definitions and explanations

The value index and the volume index describe nominal and real value trends over time. The real value trends describe trends in which price changes have been removed. The indices refer to chain indices with base year 2015=100.

Next publishing will be

The next item of statistical news in this series will be published on 2024-08-28.    

Statistical Database

More information is available in the Statistical Database

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Elin Bäckström

+46 10 479 62 08