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Open data for activities zones

Statistics Sweden delineates activities zones using a combination of geocoded registers and geospatial information. The data on activities zones can be freely downloaded as open geodata. “Activities zones” replace the prior delimitations “Workplace areas outside localities”.

An activities zone can consist of either by a concentration of local units (cluster formation) in the zone, or by large scale and industrial land use in the zone, which has at least one local unit. An activities zone measures at least 3 hectares. Open data is shown as polygons and is available for downloading from reference year 2015 and onwards.

Workplace areas outside localities are built-ups outside localities with at least 50 gainfully employed people. Open data is shown as polygons and can be downloaded with the reference years 2000, 2005 and 2010.

The statistics underwent extensive changes in terms of definition and method when the changeover to activities zones took place. The geographical areas that make up activities zones therefore differ significantly from the corresponding zones included in workplace areas outside localities. The data concerning 2015 for activities zones is not comparable with the statistics published regarding 2000, 2005 and 2010 for workplace areas outside localities. Workplace areas outside localities can still be freely downloaded as open geodata.

Activities zones supplements Statistics Sweden’s retail trade areas. Activities zones and retail trade areas may overlap.

How you may use Statistics Sweden´s open geodata

Access geodata services with Statistics Sweden´s open geodata

Statistics Sweden’s viewing service (WMS)

Statistics Sweden’s download service (WFS)

Statistics Sweden’s open geodata user guide (Swedish only) (pdf)


Urban Management and Tourism

Solna strandväg 86
171 54 Solna