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Open data for agency and municipal offices

Agency and municipal offices are shown as a plotted coordinate per local unit, based on the location address in Statistics Sweden’s General Business Register, and can be freely downloaded as open geodata.

Harmonised data that follows the INSPIRE Directive can be downloaded from the Geodata Portal. There are additional formats here with simpler sets of variables in the national reference system SWEREF99TM.

Statistics Sweden’s General Business Register contains information on companies, agencies and organisations, with addresses of local units.

The register does not specifically classify agency and municipal offices. To retrieve them, the following legal forms are used: 82 (Municipalities), 83 (Municipal associations), 84 (Regions), 85 (Social insurance offices) and 89 (Regional government agencies). 

Available variables

  • Visiting address, street
  • Visiting address, area
  • Auxiliary business name
  • Company name
  • Municipality
  • Municipality name
  • Postal address
  • Postal area
  • Post code

How you may use Statistics Sweden’s open geodata

Addresses of more businesses can be ordered from Statistics Sweden, contact

Download  GIS layer for agency and municipal offices

To access open geodata for agency and municipal offices, a GIS tool is needed.

GIS-layer Agency and municipal offices (zip file)
