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Retail trade areas

Statistics Sweden delineates retail trade areas using a combination of geocoded registers and geospatial information. The data on retail trade areas can be freely downloaded as open geodata.

Statistics Sweden’s retail trade areas are concentrations of local units with the industry code SNI 47 Retail trade, which together form a geographically delimited area, consisting of:

  1. at least five retail trade enterprises, or
  2. four retail trade enterprises, together having at least 100 employees.

Retail trade areas are represented as polygons and data updated once every five years.

Activities zones supplements Statistics Sweden’s retail trade areas. Activities zones and retail trade areas may overlap.

How you may use Statistics Sweden´s open geodata

Geospatial data services

All Statistics Sweden’s open geospatial data are available through WMS and WFS services for direct access in GIS clients. The datasets are available in the following Services:

WMS (Web Map Service) 

WFS (Web Feature Service)

A guide on how to connect to the services is available in SCB:s öppna geodata via WMS- och WFS-tjänster (pdf) (in Swedish).

Download geospatial data

If you prefer to download the data in geopackage format, you can use the links below.



