Women and men in Sweden - Facts and figures 2024


Gender equality

The English edition of this report will be published in the beginning of 2025.

Women and men in Sweden 2024 (in Swedish)

Gender equality

Women and men shall have the same rights and opportunities to be active members of society and to shape the conditions for decision-making in all sectors of society.

Gender equality – equality

In Sweden, gender equality is used to define the relationship between women and men. However, equality is a broader concept. It refers to parity in relations among all individuals and groups in society. Underlying this notion is the belief that all people are of equal value, regardless of sex, ethnic origin, religion or social class.

Swedish gender equality policy

The overall objective of gender equality policy is to ensure that women have equal power to shape society and their own lives. On this basis, the Government is working towards six interim goals:

Swedish gender equality policy

An equal distribution of power and influence

Women and men must have the same rights and opportunities to be active citizens and to shape the conditions for decision-making in all sectors of society.

Financial equality between women and men

Women and men must have the same opportunities and conditions for paid work that provide economic independence throughout life.

Equal education 

Women and men, girls and boys must have the same opportunities and conditions with regard to education, study options and personal development.

Equal distribution of unpaid care and household work 

Women and men must have the same responsibility for unpaid housework and have the opportunity to give and receive care on equal terms.

Equal health 

Women and men, girls and boys must have the same conditions for good health and be offered care and social services on equal terms.

Men’s violence against women must stop 

Women and men, girls and boys must have the same rights and opportunities to physical integrity.


National coordination of gender equality work

The Minister for Gender Equality coordinates the Government’s gender equality policies. All cabinet ministers are responsible for gender equality in their policy fields. The Division for Gender Equality is responsible, under the Minister for Gender Equality, for coordinating the Government’s gender equality efforts and specific gender equality initiatives. The Swedish Gender Equality Agency is an administrative authority responsible for contributing to efficient implementation of gender equality policy. The agency is tasked with follow-up, analysis, coordination, expertise and support with the aim of achieving the gender equality policy goals. 

The Equality Ombudsman supervises to ensure compliance with the Discrimination Act and the Parental Leave Act. There is a council against discrimination that can fine employers and educators if they do not honour their obligations to take preventive measures and to promote efforts to counteract discrimination on the basis of gender. The National Centre against Honour-based Violence and Oppression (NCH) at the County Administrative Board of Östergötland is tasked with contributing to strategic, preventive and knowledge-based work against honour-related violence and oppression at national, regional and local level.

The National Centre for Knowledge on Men's Violence against Women (NCK) at Uppsala University and Uppsala University Hospital is tasked with raising awareness of men's violence against women, honour-related violence and oppression, and violence in same-sex relationships. Via national helplines, NCK also provides support to victims of violence who are women, men, non-binary people, and people with transgender experiences, as well as individuals exposed to honour-related violence and oppression.

Gender equality concerns all areas of society

To achieve gender equality in society, there must be a gender equality perspective in all areas of society. This strategy is called gender mainstreaming. Gender mainstreaming is based on the understanding that gender equality is created where decisions are made, resources are allocated and norms are created. Therefore, a gender equality perspective must be incorporated into all decision-making processes by the parties that are normally involved in decision-making.