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Students and students completing their programme in fine arts and cultural programmes by programme's purpose 2023

  Number of admitted students who have commenced studies Number of students Number of students who have completed their programme Completion rate
Total 2 881 5 636 2 436 81
Preparatory programmes in the field of fine arts 1 293 2 877 1 015 72
Vocational programmes in the field of fine arts and culture 428 1 204 354 80
Programmes in the field of cultural heritage 1 160 1 555 1 067 93
Women 2 233 4 279 1 886 82
Preparatory programmes in the field of fine arts 956 2 105 767 73
Vocational programmes in the field of fine arts and culture 320 861 243 79
Programmes in the field of cultural heritage 957 1 313 876 94
Men 648 1 357 550 78
Preparatory programmes in the field of fine arts 337 772 248 69
Vocational programmes in the field of fine arts and culture 108 343 111 81
Programmes in the field of cultural heritage 203 242 191 93

Definitions and explanations

Number of admitted students who have commenced studies
Admitted students who have commenced studies refers to everybody who is or has been a student in a study programme, including those who joined during the course of the programme and those who quit the programme.
Number of students
Students refers to active students in study programmes that have been in progress for at least a day during the intended period. Students may not have discontinued their studies prior to the intended period or taken a break in their studies for the entire intended period.
Number of students who have completed their programme
Students who have completed the programme refers to students who have reached the goals of the courses in all of the programme modules. Students who have discontinued their studies prior to the end of the study programme do not count as completed.
Completion rate
In this context, ´completion rate´ is used to designate the percentage of students who have completed their programme. Refers to the share of students who have completed their programme as a percentage of everyone engaged in studies in the study programmes that ended during a year.

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Anna Gärdqvist

+46 10 479 65 45