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Charges/rents for newly constructed dwellings 2023

The average rent for a newly built rental dwelling with three rooms in 2023 amounts to SEK 11 125 per month

Statistical news from Statistics Sweden 2024-10-04 8.00

The annual rent per square metre for newly built rental dwellings in 2023 was 2 055 SEK per square metre for the country. The average living area was 54 square metres.

This year, Statistics Sweden (SCB) has improved the estimates of rent in new production by fully considering rental dwellings that have separate billings for individual water metering. The change in these estimates means an annual rent per sqm that is on average 1.8 percent higher for all dwelling types in the country, compared to the level if calculated using previous method. The rent per square metre in newly produced dwellings would have been almost 7.2 percent higher for 2023 compared to 2022 for all types of dwelling if the old method for estimates was used.

An update this year is also that in Sweden’s statistical databases, the statistics can be found reported according to the geographical EU classification NUTS in its three geographical levels.

Differences between different rent-setting models

The average rent per square meter in the country for newly built rental apartments in multi-dwelling buildings in 2023 that received investment support is 1 761 SEK per square metre. This can be compared with a presumptive rent of 2 285 SEK per square metre, negotiated utility value rent of 2 136 SEK per square metre, and individual rent negotiations of 2 243 SEK per square metre.

Definitions and explanations

Use caution when making comparisons between 2023 and 2022, as there may be structural differences between new construction projects each year.

These statistics describe the situation of rental dwellings and tenant-owned dwellings. The survey for 2023 does not include tenant-owned apartments.

As of 2008, these statistics do not include categorical dwellings (housing for students, the elderly and disabled persons).

Rents are stated including costs for water, heating but excluding the cost for household electricity and rent for fee-based parking spaces.

In 2024, a standard surcharge is also made for households that have reported having individual water metering that is not included in the rent. Those who do not pay for hot and cold water in the rent receive a standard surcharge in the statistical reporting. This surcharge corresponding to an average consumption for the dwelling size times the average water price for hot and cold water for the municipality where the dwelling is located. This change means a break in the time series, which hinders comparisons back in time. Hence no direct comparisons are made with the statistics for previous year.

 For information on rents for dwellings see:

Rents for dwellings

Feel free to use the facts from this statistical news but remember to state Source: Statistics Sweden.

Statistical agency

Statistics Sweden


Tommy Lindkvist

+46 10 479 47 26